[Insight-developers] FLTK errors on windows : FLTK version ?

Luis Ibanez ibanez@choroid.cs.unc.edu
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 00:30:18 -0500 (EST)

The files:


were added to  CMake following the model
of the QT ones.

The file FindFLTK.cmake was also updated
in order to include a path for fluid:


and the bool flag:


However I couldn't find the appropiate
syntaxis for using the FLTK_WRAP_UI
command in the CMakeList.txt. The documentation
in CMake.rtf only mentions QT_WRAP_CPP for moc.

I tried dividing the Curve2DExtractor example
in two. First a library (ADD_LIBRARY) with all
the classes, and second an executable (ADD_EXECUTABLE)
with just a main.cxx that instantiates the Curve2DExtractor
class and then links with the library.

The syntax attempted for FLTK_WRAP_UI was:

FLTK_WRAP_UI( libraryname ceExtractorConsoleGUI
ceExtractorConsoleGUI ceExtractorConsoleGUI

Assuming that the first is the name of the library
on which the fluid generated files will be added.
Then the three next arguments are the name of the
.fl file, the name of the generated .h file and
the name of the generated .cxx file.

CMakeSetup responds with the following error message:

    CMake Error: FLTK_WRAP_UI: Error :
    FLTK_WRAP_UI bad source list passed to
    Press cancel to suppress any further messages.

Any ideas about what I may be doing wrong ?




On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Bill Hoffman wrote:

> Yes, you should have cmake run this command.
> The VXL folks added a QT command to cmake.  I guess we need to
> add an FLTK command as well.
> See CMake/Source/
> cmQTWrapCPPCommand.cxx  cmQTWrapUICommand.cxx
> cmQTWrapCPPCommand.h    cmQTWrapUICommand.h
> That runs moc to generate source code.
> -Bill