[Insight-developers] VNL update (now builds with native SGI)

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Tue Aug 22 15:33:24 EDT 2000

I have recently upgraded the vnl library in Insight.
The vnl inside Insight should now build on these:

Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
SGI 7.30  (with -LANG:std)
gcc 2.9.5 (UNIX and cygwin)

Building can be done in-place or in a different directory
than the source code for both UNIX and windows now.

UNIX/Cygwin gcc 2.9.5 builds:

   a. In-place
      cd Insight
       gmake  (make may or may not work, gnu-make will work)

   b.  Different directory
      mkdir Insight-build  # this should be at the same level as Insight
      cd Insight-build
      gmake (make will NOT work for this)

SGI 7.30 build:
   a. In-place
      cd Insight  # this should be at the same level as Insight
      (setenv CXX "CC -LANG:std" ; setenv CC cc; ./configure )
       gmake  (make may or may not work, gnu-make will work)

   b.  Different directory
      mkdir Insight-build
      cd Insight-build
      (setenv CXX "CC -LANG:std" ; setenv CC cc;../Insight/configure)
      gmake (make will NOT work for this)

Windows build:
    1. build pcbuilder.exe 
       a. load the project in Insight/Code/tools/pcbuiler.dsw
          into the Visual Studio, and build it.

    2. run pcbuilder.exe  (this will generate dsw and dsp files for Insight)
       - specify the source and build directories for Insight
         the build can be the same as the source for in-place builds.
       - click ok.

    3. Load ITK.dsw into Visual Studio
       - do a batch build, or build each library/executable you need.

A complete cvs update will be required for all of this to work.

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