[Imstk-developers] Number of vertices in OR room

Alexis Girault alexis.girault at kitware.com
Mon Dec 12 14:20:08 EST 2016

Hong, Trudi, could you give me an estimate of the number of vertices in you
OR room? And how many of those would be for rigid objects, how many for
deformable objects? Are you satisfied with those numbers or would you
expect to be able to do more, and if yes how much?

Nick, Sreekanth: right now VTK runs at 60fps with 110k vertices deforming
if there is no normals computed by VTK itself. Add the normals computation
and you go down 8fps. So we want to improve the data streaming so that we
can do more than 110k vertices (any idea of a reasonable number which would
because our target?), but also we will need work on the normals
computation, or do this ourselves outside of the rendering thread.

Thank you,

Alexis Girault
R&D Engineer in Medical Computing
Kitware, Inc.

(919) 969-6990 x325
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