[IGSTK-Users] Using Mouse Tracker in Navigator

chamara jayalath jaya.chamara at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 05:27:38 EDT 2010

HI all,
I tried to use the mouse tracker in the navigator exp. in plz of other IGSTK
trackers. As there is not reference tool I changed the initializing to make
the tracker the world reference and then attached the tracker tool to the
 tracker->RequestSetTransformAndParent(identity, m_WorldReference); is what
I did in the Tracker Initializing.

Then when accepting the tracker fiducials, I did the following. But the
transforms are not achieved by the tracker tool's transform observer. I
tried various things but nothing was succesful. So if anyone could help me
as quick as possible that would be very helpful. Also I should ask here
whether we should attach the tracker to the GUI to use it as a mouse
tracker, I mean to get the coordinates. The code snippets is given below.

  igstkLogMacro2( m_Logger, DEBUG, "igstk::Navigator::"
                 "AcceptTrackerFiducialProcessing called...\n");

  typedef igstk::TransformObserver ObserverType;
  ObserverType::Pointer transformObserver = ObserverType::New();
  transformObserver->ObserveTransformEventsFrom( trackerTool );
  typedef ::itk::Vector<double, 3> VectorType;
  typedef ::itk::Versor<double> VersorType;
  TransformType transform;
  VectorType position;
  trackerTool->RequestComputeTransformTo( m_WorldReference );

  int n = m_FiducialsPointList->value();
  int m = m_FiducialsPointList->size();

  if (transformObserver->GotTransform())
  position = transform.GetTranslation();
  std::cout << "Trackertool :"
      << trackerTool->GetTrackerToolIdentifier()
      << "\t\t Position = (" << position[0]
  << "," << position[1] << "," << position[2]
  << ")" << std::endl;
  m_LandmarksContainer[n]= TransformToPoint( transform );
  m_AcceptedLandmarksContainer[n] = true;

  m_AxialFiducialRepresentationVector[n]->SetColor( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
  m_SagittalFiducialRepresentationVector[n]->SetColor( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
  m_CoronalFiducialRepresentationVector[n]->SetColor( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );

  if ( n < m )


  fl_beep( FL_BEEP_MESSAGE );

  AcceptedLandmarkPointContainerType::const_iterator iter;
  iter = m_AcceptedLandmarksContainer.begin();

  unsigned int numberOfAcceptedLandmarks = 0;
  for (;iter != m_AcceptedLandmarksContainer.end(); iter++)
    if (iter->second)

  if ( numberOfAcceptedLandmarks >= 3 )

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