[IGSTK-Users] IGSTK 4.2 + MicronTracker

Vincent Gratsac vincent.gratsac at irisa.fr
Wed Jul 15 12:45:48 EDT 2009

Hi Andinet,

Thank you for your answer.
I have another question concerning IGSTK and MicronTracker classes :
MicronTracker utility classes which are available at 
${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/MicronTracker/src are not accessible when 
IGSTK is included by another CMake project.

I locally modified igstkIncludeDirectories.cmake file in order to make 
them available when IGSTK_USE_MICRONTRACKER option is activated (line 34) :
> IF(IGSTK_USE_MicronTracker)
> ${IGSTK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/MicronTracker/src)
> ENDIF(IGSTK_USE_MicronTracker)
Do you think that it is a good way to do it ?
Maybe this classes should not be accessible from another project...

Thank you,


Andinet Enquobahrie wrote:
> Vincent-
> In the cmake configuration, we currently check if the MTC library is
> 2.6 or later. The MicronTracker code is mainly tested on MTC 2.6
> version and it seems MTC 3.0 version has some new changes that we will
> need to consider. Furthermore,  the MicronTracker utility ( helper)
> classes in IGSTK  ( such as MTCamera  ) are also based on the 2.6
> version.
> I have created a bug entry for this issue.
> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=9264
> We will upgrade IGSTK support to MTC 3.0 in the next release.
> Thanks for your report.
> Andinet
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Vincent Gratsac<vincent.gratsac at irisa.fr> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I encountered some small problems when trying to compile IGSTK 4.2 with
>> Micron Tracker support :
>> - I am using GCC 4.3 compiler, and I get this compilation error :
>>> Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp: In destructor
>>> ‘Cameras::~Cameras()’:
>>> Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp:77: error: ‘free’ was
>>> not declared in this scope
>>> Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp:81: error: ‘free’ was
>>> not declared in this scope
>>> Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp:83: error: ‘free’ was
>>> not declared in this scope
>>> Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp: In member function ‘int
>>> Cameras::getMTHome(char*, int)’:
>>> Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp:261: error: ‘getenv’ was
>>> not declared in this scope
>>> Igstk/4.2/Utilities/MicronTracker/src/Cameras.cpp:265: error: ‘strncpy’
>>> was not declared in this scope
>> The following includes should be added to the MCamera.h file to correct the
>> problem :
>>> #include <stdlib.h>
>>> #include <string.h>
>> - The MTC library version that I use (3.0) do not provide a
>> libdc1394_control library file, but libdc1394.
>> I have to modify the IGSTK CMakeLists.txt file in order to correct the
>> linking error, but I don't how it could work for both versions... Maybe by
>> getting the MTC library version ?
>> Best regards,
>> Vincent
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