[IGSTK-Developers] "many simple specialized" components vs. "fewer, more complex and general components"
Luis Ibanez
luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Jun 6 08:54:19 EDT 2007
A Wiki page has been created for gathering the elements of
our discussion on Complexity:
Please feel free to add comments to it.
Kevin Gary wrote:
> Luis,
> Two quick points -
> I still think in #2 that it is not the product. Yes, when you compose 2
> state machines the resulting permutations are the product, but in your
> original example you were not describing the arbitrary composition of Sa
> and Sb, you were talking about Sa and Sb being distinct with 2 different
> "modalities" separated by a flag or a some if statement. In this case
> you take the union, not the product in the meshed component. For
> example, if states(Sa) = {s1,s2,s3} and states (Sb) = {s4, s5}, then a
> SM meshed together would have an initial state (after SetReadyToRun) and
> initial transitions to s1 or s4 based on the flag. Then you will be in
> that space exclusively. Of course if you maintain 2 distinct components
> you have to consider the product as the global state of the system,
> which is what your response implies, and what an AND (orthogonal) HSM
> represents.
> In any event, while this belabors the point, it is important in one
> sense as we move forward because the nature of IGSTK state machines
> (flat, synchronous, and single-threaded) means we can prune the global
> space implied by the composition of active components in an IGSTK
> instance quite aggressively (related to your #3 below).
> I do agree with you that objective measures are needed, but even when
> computing an objective measure you have to subjectively decide where to
> set the threshold (such as the 5 bits in your earlier email). The
> thresholds are often determined empirically, or in an Agile sense can be
> set collectively by the group. I'd also caution against hard-and-fast
> rules when it comes to complexity measures; I'd suggest the thresholds
> be used to indicate a component requires a closer look, and avoid poor
> refactorings simply to get a number below some bar. I'm kinda figuring
> you are really saying the same thing here...
> K2
> Luis Ibanez wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> Thanks for you thoughtful comments.
>> About your questions:
>> 1) The assumption of uniform probabilities in the transitions
>> was made for the simplicity of presenting the argument.
>> In practice we should estimate this probabilities by measuring
>> the frequency of usage of the transitions in realistic scenarios,
>> hopefully inserted into the testing framework.
>> The interesting aspect of using the probabilities, is that they
>> provide a continuous gradation between transitions that always
>> happen, (a sequential process) and transitions that never happen
>> (an impossible transition).
>> It is clear that in practice the probabilities of the transitions
>> are not going to be uniform. In fact we should be able to use the
>> logs of current applications such as the needle biopsy, to measure
>> the frequency of transitions for many IGSTK classes.
>> 2) When combining two independent components into a single one,
>> the combined state machine will have a number of states that
>> is the product (not the sum) of the components from both
>> original independent components. Same goes for the number of
>> inputs. For example if Sa had states {m,n}, and Sb had states
>> {x,y}, then the combined SaSb will have states {mx,my,nx,ny}.
>> 3) The ambiguity in the usage of the term "exponential" or "logarithmic"
>> is my mistake for not fully stating the relationship. I should have
>> said that the measure of complexity is logarithmic with respect to
>> the number of states.
>> The intuition that complexity is exponential, comes from item (2)
>> above, that is, the fact that when adding functionality the number
>> of state gets multiplied every time. That is, when we duplicate the
>> number of features, complexity (if measured in number of states) goes
>> to the square.
>> I agree with you that we may have got sidetracked from Frank's original
>> topic, due to the loaded use of the "complexity" term. We may need input
>> from Frank in order to clarify if we are deviating from his original
>> intent.
>> Maybe we should adopt a different term, such as:
>> A) The "difficulty" of using IGSTK components or
>> B) The "developers effort" (in hours ? lines of code ?) needed
>> to use an IGSTK component.
>> In either case, I will insist that we should strive for finding
>> concepts that measurable in an objective way, if we want to have
>> a productive discussion that doesn't focus on how much we like
>> or dislike different styles of programming.
>> From a pragmatic point of view, we probably should simply proceed
>> to implement the components, and to use them into realistic
>> applications. That usage will reveal whether we are aiming at
>> the appropriate level of aggregation of functionality.
>> The agile approach that we are using will make easier to
>> refactor these components if we find that to be necessary.
>> Luis
>> -----------------------
>> Kevin Gary wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm going to try and offer some thoughts as we are working on
>>> validating state machines out here (and we are either going crazy
>>> from the desert heat or from the complexity!). I was not part of the
>>> original tcon conversation on granularity, so I am having a little
>>> trouble trying to understand Frank's original email; I apologize if I
>>> misunderstand anything.
>>> Some conceptual points:
>>> 1. Components should have a "natural complexity" based on their
>>> cohesiveness. That is, they should intuitively encapsulate a set of
>>> behaviors and state, like a coarse-grained object. An agile approach
>>> here helps because their should be mindshare as to whether a given
>>> component are intuitively at the right level. I would also mention
>>> our community can help a lot, as original component developers may
>>> assume a component is easier to understand than it is to the novice.
>>> 2. Components and classes are not the same thing (or shouldn't be).
>>> In IGSTK they are though, which can add some confusion. A component
>>> may be implemented as a collection of classes aggregated in specific
>>> and meaningful ways. In fact I see no reason why IGSTK components
>>> could not be composed from multiple classes.
>>> 3. How a component should be used is very important and should be
>>> reified in the software. This can be a very tricky thing to do, as
>>> many toolkits such as IGSTK intend for their components to be used in
>>> ways that are unanticipated. As components at higher levels of
>>> aggregation encapsulate more specific use cases (#4), their
>>> interfaces (and state machines) should reflect that, this is commonly
>>> referred to as Intentional Programming.
>>> 4. I see no reason for components to be at the same level anyway. A
>>> component Ca may be implemented by a specific combination of
>>> components Cb and Cc. In fact, this composition style is often one
>>> moves from application-independent and reusable components to more
>>> application-specific (and thus narrowly scoped) ones.
>>> Some pointed comments from reading the email trace:
>>> - I would say there is a 4th type of complexity, and that is the
>>> complexity of a programmer to program within the IGSTK coding model.
>>> We've had this discussion several times before, along the lines of
>>> "are we making the coding model so different from standard practice
>>> that it actually makes our code unsafe?". I don't want to revisit
>>> that argument, except to say that it is a form of complexity - even
>>> if you can guarantee the state machine will not get into an unsafe
>>> state, you can still have many frustrating situations contrary to the
>>> developer's expectations. The Event model within IGSTK is an example
>>> to me. The application workflow effort (is that underway?) is an
>>> example solution.
>>> - The example in Luis' email of 5/31 (the "swiss-army-knife") is fine
>>> though I don't think it is a representative case. One really
>>> shouldn't implement a component in this way, using conditional logic
>>> over polymorphism. Of course, accounting for dynamic binding in an
>>> application is a form of conditional logic that needs to be tested as
>>> well.
>>> On measures:
>>> The Markov Chain analysis is interesting, but I have a couple questions:
>>> 1. Assuming uniform probabilities on transitions is not appropriate
>>> for IGSTK. In fact these components are constructed with some pretty
>>> blatant assumptions about what input is most likely next. We intend
>>> to create stochastic testing simulations in our tools to account for
>>> expected outcomes and fault scenarios.
>>> 2. Why is the number of states (inputs) in Ca equal to the product of
>>> the number of states (inputs) in Sa and Sb? As your assumption is Sa
>>> and Sb are independent of one another, I would think it would be the
>>> sum (basically, once the Ca's machine is set ready to run, there
>>> would be 2 independent graphs in the machine with no interaction
>>> between them)?
>>> 3. It is counterintuitive that "a component with 100 transition has
>>> just double the complexity of a component with 10 transitions". In
>>> fact the literature on the state explosion problem suggests it is
>>> exponential, not logarithmic, and that is certainly the case for our
>>> coverage tools. Harel's seminal work on Statecharts and HSMs is found
>>> on compactness of representation (inline with your Kolmogorov
>>> complexity measure) in order to reduce states and transitions. This
>>> is important because your measure would suggest that larger-grained
>>> components are better. I think for IGSTK smaller state machines are
>>> better because they are more human-understandable and testable. The
>>> complexity that comes from composing components in other more
>>> flexible toolkits doesn't really exist in IGSTK due to its strong
>>> reliance on static binding and lack of external configuration files.
>>> We focus a lot on algorithmic complexity, and I'm not sure that was
>>> the original motivation for Frank's email. It would seem proper usage
>>> of components by application developers is. We also tend to think
>>> that our design reduces complexity, but complexity is an inherent
>>> attribute of the problem space, not the solution space - all we can
>>> do is move it around and manage it so our solutions are easy to
>>> understand, test, and reuse. On the one hand IGSTK helps with some of
>>> this but then introduces its own set of issues as suggested above. In
>>> any event, I think Frank's question is more about factoring
>>> complexity into granular components (and application versus framework
>>> components) than it is about the complexity of the algorithms and
>>> state machines. (?)
>>> There are also a lot of metrics out there for component complexity
>>> that are not algorithmic. The more traditional ones in
>>> object-oriented programming include dependency analysis, fan-in/out,
>>> coupling, and cohesion. There are also complexity measures that can
>>> be applied to statecharts that evaluate their structure - for example
>>> average branching factor. These all can be readily included into a
>>> DART dashboard with threshold measures defined that suggest warnings
>>> on the dashboard much like kwStyle.
>>> Finally, I'll say 9as I have said before) that IGSTK tends to rely
>>> solely on state machines and unit testing to achieve safety. There
>>> are a number of safety-oriented programming and engineering practices
>>> that we can also look at - error/fault/failure analysis, requirements
>>> management, and so forth. These may not sound Agile, but I think the
>>> application domain necessitates our considering them.
>>> Thanks,
>>> K2
>>> Luis Ibanez wrote:
>>>> Hi David,
>>>> That sounds reasonable.
>>>> At this point, it is just a matter of defining an
>>>> "Objective Measure of Complexity"
>>>> and with it, we could proceed to define a Threshold of how much
>>>> "complexity" is acceptable in an IGSTK component.
>>>> The label "Too Complex" doesn't make any sense if we don't have an
>>>> objective metric that can tell use how much complexity is too much
>>>> complexity.
>>>> Without an objective measure we will end up engaging in pointless
>>>> discussions, because the degree of complexity will be left to the
>>>> subjective aesthetic perception of every developer.
>>>> My suggestion for objectively measuring the complexity of an IGSTK
>>>> component is to use the notion of Markov Process / Chains:
>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain
>>>> in the following way:
>>>> In the State Machine of the component, take the transition table,
>>>> and evaluate the probabilities of every transition for being
>>>> invoked. Then compute the Entropy of that set of probabilities,
>>>> and use it as a measure of the "complexity" of the component.
>>>> In this context, a component with 5 states, and 7 inputs, will
>>>> have 35 transitions. In the plain case were all transitions are
>>>> equally likely to be triggered, their probabilities are 1/35.
>>>> then the component will have a complexity of
>>>> K = - Sum (from 1 to 35) of (1/35) [ log( 1/35 ) / log(2) ]
>>>> K = 5.12 bits.
>>>> A component with 20 equally probable transitions will have a
>>>> complexity K = 4.32 bits.
>>>> I will suggest that acceptable threshold of complexity for IGSTK
>>>> components should be 5 bits. This corresponds to a state machine
>>>> table of 32 equally probable transitions.
>>>> If you look a the Wiki page that evaluates the completeness of
>>>> the transition tables in IGSTK state machines:
>>>> http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/State_Machine_Transition_Tables_Completeness
>>>> you will find that the components with the maximum number of
>>>> transitions are the ToolCalibration ant the Tracker, with:
>>>> ToolCalibration : 171 Transitions : 164 of which are undefined
>>>> Tracker : 90 Transitions : 80 of which are undefined
>>>> If we assume that the undefined transitions will never happen,
>>>> (which is probably the reason why the developers never considered
>>>> this transitions in the table, in the first place), and we assume
>>>> that the defined transitions are equally probable, then we get:
>>>> K( Tracker ) = 3.32 bits
>>>> K( ToolCalibration ) = 2.8 bits
>>>> In the case where some of the transitions are more likely than
>>>> others, the Entropy of the transition table will diminish and
>>>> therefore the K measure of complexity will be lower.
>>>> This measure of complexity reflects the intuition that a complex
>>>> components have more functionality ("transitions"), and that it
>>>> has more uncertainty about its current state. It also matches
>>>> the notion that more complex components will require more lines
>>>> of code for performing a 100% code coverage.
>>>> Note that this measure of complexity is logarithmic in nature:
>>>> a component with 100 transitions has just the double
>>>> of complexity of a component with 10 transitions.
>>>> That is, 6.6 bits versus 3.3 bits.
>>>> We should keep this in mind when we compare the complexity
>>>> of two components, or the complexity of two implementation
>>>> of the same component.
>>>> One nice property of this suggested measure is that if
>>>> we take two components Sa and Sb, as Frank suggested earlier,
>>>> each one with complexity measures K(Sa) and K(Sb) respectively,
>>>> and we assume that their functionalities are completely orthogonal,
>>>> that is, they are not redundant, and we fuse them together in a
>>>> single "more complex" component, the transition table of the combined
>>>> state machine in Ca will have a number of states equal to the product
>>>> of the number of states in Sa times the number of states in Sb.
>>>> Similarly its number of inputs will be the product of the number of
>>>> inputs in Sa times the number of inputs in Sb. As a result the
>>>> measure of complexity of Ca will satisfy:
>>>> K( Ca ) = K( Sa ) + K( Sb )
>>>> If Sa and Sb are not orthogonal, then the joint probability of
>>>> their transitions will not be the produce of the independent
>>>> probabilities, and we will find that Ca has a lower complexity
>>>> than the two independent Sa and Sb components.
>>>> In this context we also can interpret the effect of factorizing
>>>> functionality of Sa, Sb into a C++ base class Sc.
>>>> Luis
>>>> -----------------
>>>> David Gobbi wrote:
>>>>> Hi Luis,
>>>>> I'm with Frank on the idea that complex components are preferable to
>>>>> forcing the application programmer to write a complex app that has to
>>>>> connect many simple components into a complex web.
>>>>> As long as a component can be fully understood, code-covered, and
>>>>> tested, it is unfair to call that component "too complex". Splitting
>>>>> such a component in two "just because we can" is not a good enough
>>>>> reason, we must also justify our decision in terms of functionality.
>>>>> A problem with specialized components is that it means we have more
>>>>> components to test, and each component is likely to receive less
>>>>> testing (we don't have unlimited resources). Also, if the components
>>>>> are too constrained, then they will only be able to serve the needs of
>>>>> a very small audience.
>>>>> Our primary means of achieving safety should be through testing and
>>>>> code review. For the actual implementation of the code, we should
>>>>> focus on functionality.
>>>>> - David
>>>>> On 5/31/07, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Frank,
>>>>>> I agree that we should strive to find the right balance
>>>>>> in the granularity of IGSTK components.
>>>>>> From the Algorithmic Theory point of view, we will know
>>>>>> whether a component is attempting to do too much or not,
>>>>>> by counting the number of "if"-like statements in the code.
>>>>>> That will include "if", "switch", and ternary "a?b:c"
>>>>>> statements. When we try to engulf in a single component
>>>>>> the functionalities that should be implemented in two or
>>>>>> more independent components, we will find ourselves
>>>>>> introducing:
>>>>>> a) large numbers of states in the State Machine, or
>>>>>> b) large numbers of inputs in the State Machine, or
>>>>>> c) "if" conditions that split the different cases, or
>>>>>> d) "switch" statements that split different cases
>>>>>> Some of them will presumably be driven by "enums" and "bool"
>>>>>> flags that set the components in "this mode" or "this other mode".
>>>>>> The presence of these elements will be an indication of a component
>>>>>> that has grown too complex and that should be refactored/slit
>>>>>> into simpler components.
>>>>>> Where do we draw that line, is what is open for discussion,
>>>>>> and we probably have to do it on a case by case basis.
>>>>>> From the pragmatic point of view, we can simply follow the practice
>>>>>> of agile programming. Let's start by putting a prototype
>>>>>> implementation of the component in the sandbox, and as part
>>>>>> of its code review we can discuss if it should be split into
>>>>>> multiple components or not.
>>>>>> A clear sign will be how many lines of code do you need in the
>>>>>> test in order to ensure 100% code coverage of the component.
>>>>>> So, just by following our normal development process, the
>>>>>> components that are too complex will clearly stand out during
>>>>>> code reviews and during continuous dashboard testing.
>>>>>> --------
>>>>>> Regarding the specific example that you mention:
>>>>>> Before engaging in a discussion related to "complexity" we must
>>>>>> define what it means and how to measure it objectively.
>>>>>> There are multiple concepts of complexity that we may want to
>>>>>> consider here, some of them are listed in the Wikipedia entry:
>>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complexity
>>>>>> When it comes to software, there are at least two measures of
>>>>>> complexity that are relevant:
>>>>>> 1) How many lines of code it takes to write a program.
>>>>>> This complexity measure is equivalent to Kolmogorov Complexity:
>>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov_complexity
>>>>>> where the string to be generated is the sequence of states of
>>>>>> the application. States, here being the full set of variables
>>>>>> that completely defines the application.
>>>>>> 2) How many different options there are available for using a
>>>>>> program (or a routine, or a component). And therefore how
>>>>>> many decision should be made by the application developer
>>>>>> in order to configure the application for a particular
>>>>>> user case.
>>>>>> 3) How many steps are required from the user of the application
>>>>>> in order to perform a task. This is the "complexity" perceived
>>>>>> by a user.
>>>>>> In your suggested problem, you seem to be focused on (1) and (2),
>>>>>> rather than (3), and the underlying assumption seems to be that by
>>>>>> increasing the complexity of the components, we may be able to
>>>>>> reduce the complexity of an application.
>>>>>> Following your description of the problem, let's consider
>>>>>> the two cases:
>>>>>> A) a component Ca
>>>>>> B) two components Sa and Sb
>>>>>> where (Ca) offers the same functionality that (Sa+Sb)
>>>>>> and the complexity of Ca, let's call it Comp(Ca) is larger than
>>>>>> the individual complexities of each Sa and Sb,
>>>>>> That is
>>>>>> Comp(Ca) >= Comp(Sa)
>>>>>> Comp(Ca) >= Comp(Sb)
>>>>>> From the application developer point of view, if we use the notion
>>>>>> of complexity (2), it comes down to how many method decision should
>>>>>> be made in order to use the component Ca, versus, how many decision
>>>>>> should be made in order to use Sa & Sb.
>>>>>> For example, let's say that Ca is a "swiss-army-knife" image slicer,
>>>>>> that can do:
>>>>>> a) 1 slice orthogonal to a needle, and touching the tip
>>>>>> b) 3 orthogonal slices parallel to image axes and passing
>>>>>> through the needle tip.
>>>>>> and that Sa and Sb are respectively the independent components that
>>>>>> could do only (a) and only (b).
>>>>>> From the point of view of the application developer, in the case
>>>>>> of using Ca, the application should have an "if" statement that
>>>>>> switches between the use of functionality (a) and functionality (b)
>>>>>> at compile time or at run time (or both). In the case of using Sa
>>>>>> and Sb, the application developers must also set an "if" statement
>>>>>> indicating when to display slices using Sa, and when to use Sb.
>>>>>> In this context, from the point of view of the application developer,
>>>>>> and using the concept of complexity (2), there is no difference
>>>>>> between
>>>>>> using Ca and using Sa+Sb.
>>>>>> On the other hand, the testing scenario for Ca requires to exercise
>>>>>> all the features of Sa plus all the features of Sb, with the
>>>>>> aggravation
>>>>>> that some of the settings that make sense in the "Sb" mode of Ca,
>>>>>> may not make sense in the "Sa" mode of Ca.
>>>>>> Note also that it is quite likely that common functionalities of Sa
>>>>>> and Sb may be factorized into a base class Sab from which both Sa
>>>>>> and Sb will derive.
>>>>>> Before proceeding further with this discussion, we must define the
>>>>>> measures of complexity that we consider relevant and we should
>>>>>> establish
>>>>>> objective methods for measuring those complexity concepts.
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Again, from the pragmatic point of view, I agree with Patrick, that
>>>>>> we should probably start writing prototypes in the sandbox, and base
>>>>>> our discussions in more concrete cases. We probably will need
>>>>>> multiple
>>>>>> iterations of design/implementation/testing on every component before
>>>>>> we find the right balance between specialization and generality.
>>>>>> On the bright side, that is what agile programming is very good at.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Luis
>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>> Frank Lindseth wrote:
>>>>>> > Luis (and others),
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > We had a long discussion about "many simple specialized" components
>>>>>> > vs. "fewer, more complex and general components" after you had
>>>>>> to leave
>>>>>> > the Tcon yesterday (we should probably have started with this
>>>>>> topic).
>>>>>> > It seems like the common opinion is that in order to make it
>>>>>> simpler
>>>>>> > for the app. developer to satisfy the clinical user
>>>>>> requirements it's
>>>>>> > sensible to move a little bit in the more general direction for
>>>>>> some of
>>>>>> > the components, at the same time the components should not
>>>>>> become so
>>>>>> > complex that it's not possible to test them in the ordinary
>>>>>> way, we
>>>>>> > have to find the right balance.
>>>>>> > I know you have strong feelings about this Luis, but do you (or
>>>>>> anybody
>>>>>> > else for that matter) think that a compromise can be found
>>>>>> somewhere
>>>>>> > along the simple comp./complex app - complex comp./simple app.
>>>>>> line?
>>>>>> > As you know, this has been my main IGSTK concern from day one,
>>>>>> and I
>>>>>> > really need some input as to what to except as our "IGSTK practical
>>>>>> > trial period" is about to end and we have to take the big decision
>>>>>> > regarding what to base future IGS efforts on (it looks promising
>>>>>> > regarding other issues, e.g. the "coordinate system" challenge).
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > If we need to think in terms of concrete scenarios I believe
>>>>>> that the
>>>>>> > slicer-comp. should be used (could be specialized both in terms of
>>>>>> > modality and functionality) .
>>>>>> > Some background information / discussion can be found here:
>>>>>> > http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/
>>>>>> > Talk:DesignChallenges#Slicing
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > A little scenario that can help to trigger some response to this
>>>>>> e-mail:
>>>>>> > User/surgeon would like to have an IGS system with a certain
>>>>>> complexity
>>>>>> > in terms of required functionality (will increase over the
>>>>>> years, I
>>>>>> > know...).
>>>>>> > Such an app. could be realized in different ways depending on
>>>>>> the way
>>>>>> > the components are made:
>>>>>> > A) Many, simple and specialized components -> Complex app. will be
>>>>>> > needed (many obj. , switching, etc.) in order to satisfy the
>>>>>> user above.
>>>>>> > B) Fewer, more complex and general components. -> Simple app. (to
>>>>>> > satisfy user).
>>>>>> > C) Balanced comp. -> Balanced app. (to satisfy user).
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > List of points that can push the balance in one or the other
>>>>>> direction:
>>>>>> > = User/surgeon
>>>>>> > -Overall safety (not the same as comp. safety):
>>>>>> > * It's easier to test a comp. then it is to test an app. (as
>>>>>> long as
>>>>>> > the comp. is not to complex, i.e. up to a certain level)
>>>>>> > * A simple app. is safer and easier to test then a complex one.
>>>>>> > * A complex comp. is of course more difficult to to test then a
>>>>>> simple
>>>>>> > one, but we should think more like this: lets say that we have a
>>>>>> > complex comp. Ca that offers the same functionality as two simpler
>>>>>> > comp. Sa and Sb. As long as it's possible to test Ca, knowing
>>>>>> that this
>>>>>> > comp. work properly has added more to the overall safety then
>>>>>> testing
>>>>>> > Sa and Sb separately.
>>>>>> > * etc. (feel free to add points to this list)
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > = App. developer:
>>>>>> > * In terms of building a user community, the easier it is to
>>>>>> build a
>>>>>> > app. with a certain functionality, the better it is. The extreme
>>>>>> case
>>>>>> > being that the app. dev. only connect the high level comp.
>>>>>> needed and
>>>>>> > make everything accessible to the user trough a gui.
>>>>>> > * etc. (feel free to add points to this list)
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > = Comp. developer:
>>>>>> > * resources for dev. maintenance, doc. testing, etc.
>>>>>> > * etc. (feel free to add points to this list)
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Have a nice weekend everybody.
>>>>>> > Regards,
>>>>>> > Frank
>>>>>> >
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