[IGSTK-Developers] Calibration chapter

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Sat Jan 27 00:06:09 EST 2007

Hi Kevin,

I was the reviewer that chapter and also worked with James on the design of
the reader.  I can take a look to see what could be added.   The
LandmarkUltrasoundCalibration class is still in the sandbox so it could even
be dropped from the book.

 - David

On 1/26/07, Kevin Gary <kgary at asu.edu> wrote:
> Apologies for the random fire if you are not involved in the Calibration
> chapter of the book. I'm not exactly sure who is, and I do not have
> James' email...
> I checked in a revised version. It seems to be lacking a description of
> two things - igstkLandmarkUltrasoundCalibration and a general
> ToolCalibrationReader discussion.
> I know the Landmark calibration is in the sandbox, but the Pivot and
> PrincipleAxis are described, while this one is not, even though all 3
> are summarized at the beginning of the chapter.
> The reader discussion only describes the PivotCalibrationReader, and
> not the parent ToolCalibrationReader, nor XMLToolCalibrationReader,
> or some of the other associated class structures I see in the header
> files. Perhaps the main thing though, is why do we have one derived
> class for pivot calibration and not one for PrincipleAxis or
> Landmark?
> At this late a point I didn't want to start adding content for these,
> especially because I may be way off here in my understanding!
> Thanks,
> K2
> --
> ===
> Kevin A. Gary, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
> DCST, ASU East
> (480)727-1373
> http://kgary2.east.asu.edu
> kgary at asu.edu
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