[IGSTK-Developers] Requirements update...

M. Brian Blake mb7 at georgetown.edu
Wed Jun 1 08:04:38 EDT 2005

Hi all,

There are two requirements relevant to the PrintSelf function:

The existing one (this is a architecture/design requirement) ..

REQ 05.07.01 The IGSTK platform shall contain a general logging capability that can encapsulate logging capabilities for all IGSTK components. 

This one I just created (this is a style requirement).

REQ 05.07.04 
Each IGSTK component should be enable with logging capability using the PrintSelf function  

We discuss if the wording is right for the second one. I was unable to do it in Florida when it was still fresh on my mind. 

Send me your comments and I can update it appropriately.  Both REQ numbers are appropriate for checking in the code even if we change the wording a bit.




M. Brian Blake, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057
mb7 at georgetown.edu

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