[IGSTK-Developers] RE: MICCAI - Software Architecture Paper

Kevin Gary kgary at asu.edu
Thu Aug 4 14:59:20 EDT 2005

Kevin, Luis,

Sorry, I'm just now getting extracted from the world of diaper changing and
no sleep...

The last draft I saw of the 2nd paper had my affiliation listed as the
Department of Computer Science where it should be the
Division of Computing Studies.

No biggie, but if it is possible to correct pre/post review.


Kevin Cleary wrote:

>Luis and others:
>I think this paper is looking pretty good
>Some comments:
>1) In the header let us make sure that Julien's name is spelled as Jomier
>2) In the abstract I would write the first sentence as
>The Image-Guided Surgery Toolkit (IGSTK) is an Open Source software project
>being developed under NIH/NIBIB funding. The toolkit will provide a common
>platform for implementing image-guided surgery applications and for
>fostering research in the field. 
>3) Note that I always like to include the hyphen on "image-guided"
>4) for the last paragraph of the introduction I have the same comments as I
>had on Brian's paper which I pasted below my signature for reference
>Otherwise it looks pretty good so let's go ahead and submit and see how we
>do in the reviews
>Kevin Cleary, Ph.D.                        Work phone: 202-687-8253
>Associate Professor                        Work fax: 202-784-3479
>Deputy Director  
>Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
>Department of Radiology                    Pager: 202-901-2033
>Georgetown University Medical Center       Cell phone: 202-294-3409
>2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603           Home phone: 301-299-0788
>Washington, DC, 20007                      Home fax: 301-299-0789
>ISIS center: www.isis.georgetown.edu
>Research group: www.caimr.georgetown.edu
>WashCAS: www.washcas.org
>Email: cleary at georgetown.edu
>2) I also agree that we should say in the last paragraph of the introduction
>that the software is still in beta form and evolving and we expect a stable
>release toward the end of the year. You guys know better than me, but I am
>not sure how useful the software is in its current form, although I have no
>problem with people checking it out. But I don't want to get people
>frustrated with it early in the project.
>3) The web site www.igstk.org is not that good right now so I would prefer
>to say "Basic information related to igstk can be found at the web site
>www.igstk.org and the Wiki pages http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/".
>Sohan originally maintained the web site but he is gone now and I intend to
>have the new programmer Patrick Cheng take it over(he starts on Monday but
>will need some time to get up to speed).
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Luis Ibanez [mailto:luis.ibanez at kitware.com] 
>Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 12:42 AM
>To: Kevin Cleary; Rick Avila; Julien Jomier; Stephen Aylward; Brian Blake
>Cc: igstk-developers at public.kitware.com
>Subject: MICCAI - Software Architecture Paper
>Hi Kevin,
>Here is attached the almost-ready version of the
>IGSTK Software Architecture paper for MICCAI.
>* The loggin section was updated by
>   reworking the material from Hee-Su.
>* The description of Spatial Objects
>   and Viewers was added.
>* References to FDA documents, VTK, ITK,
>   FLTK manuals, and to Software Licensing
>   where also added.
>Any comments are welcome,
>   Thanks
>    Luis
>IGSTK-Developers mailing list
>IGSTK-Developers at public.kitware.com

Kevin A. Gary, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
DCST, ASU East       
kgary at asu.edu

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