[Dart] Looking for XML spec on Dart-client-to-server comm

Blezek, Daniel J (GE, Research) blezek at crd.ge.com
Fri Feb 24 18:31:12 EST 2006

All right, I actually anticipated a user need.  This is a RTM.  There is a section in the Dart.pdf documentation called "Custom Test Results" (check the latest version in SVN).  This should be enough to get started.  I have not written a DTD, as I find them fairly useless for anything other than ensuring the proper format.  Scott: can you point me to what an XSD is?  Though I'm happy to write a DTD, I doubt if it will really be useful.


-----Original Message-----
From: dart-bounces+blezek=crd.ge.com at public.kitware.com
[mailto:dart-bounces+blezek=crd.ge.com at public.kitware.com]On Behalf Of
Matt England
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:32 AM
To: Scott W. Oster
Cc: Matthew England; dart at public.kitware.com
Subject: RE: [Dart] Looking for XML spec on Dart-client-to-server comm

At 2/22/2006 09:21 AM, Scott W. Oster wrote:
>One thing you can do for now to understand the format is to look at the
>freemarker rules in the dart repository.  I don't have the link offhand,
>but it shows you what tags Dart tries to process.

Excellent, that sounds like a great suggestion, I'll try poking around the 
Dart server.

>   I XML Schema for
>submission would be great in the long run. I'd much rather see an XSD
>than a DTD as there are a lot of tools that could be leveraged.  For
>example, one could generate an Object model from the schema to create
>submissions from an embedded application.

I'm rather XML ignorant about such things as a different between an XSD and 
a DTD, and how exactly this stuff generates an Object model, and what this 
object model is.  Does this mean that one could auto-generate something 
like a C++ class/interface straight from something like an XSD?  If so, 
that would be *great*.  (I may be reflecting how little I work with our 
Xerces interface in our existing XML parsing code.)  Can anyone care to 
point me where I can learn about such stuff (eg, XSDs and diffs between 
DTDs, etc), and my project can possibly help with this effort if we 
continue this endeavor?  (Some of my staff may already know this, but I 
personally don't.)


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