[Ctk-developers] CTK Update to latest DCMTK

OFFIS DICOM Team dicom at offis.de
Fri Jul 29 04:54:53 EDT 2011

Dear all,

the last two days I merged my changes regarding the adaptation of CTK to the
latest DCMTK back in to the CTK master branch. I commited this stuff a few
minutes ago.

I also included some fixes where I stumbled over things that seemed wrong to
me. Further, I added minor features at some positions, e.g. color support
for the DICOM thumbnail/image rendering. Overall, I only worked on the DICOM
parts, 99% on /Libs/DICOM, mostly the Core part.

I also changed the repository location in the superbuild to fetch DCMTK from
the official OFFIS repository at http://git.dcmtk.org/dcmtk.git . That works
for me here.

Nevertheless, since these are my first actual commits to CTK, I expect that
I have done some mistakes, hopefully not too many serious ones ;) Please
tell me and I will correct that as soon as possible.

Best regards,

OFFIS DICOM Team, Escherweg 2, 26121 Oldenburg, Germany
E-Mail: dicom at offis.de, URL: http://dicom.offis.de

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