[Ctk-developers] ctk @ spie: doodle poll

Wolf Ivo i.wolf at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Tue Dec 15 07:14:15 EST 2009

Dear all,

who of you will participate in the SPIE Medical Imaging in San Diego?

I have set up a poll at "Doodle" to find out if there will be enough CTK members at SPIE to hold a 4 hour technical meeting to prepare the hackfest. This will NOT be a "regular" CTK workshop. Instead, the focus is to prepare the hacking at the hackfest event, maybe even do some initial hacks, setup the directory structure of the SVN repository, etc.

Here is the link:

I plan to set up another poll at "Doodle" on possible goals of the hackfest and CTK in general.

Best regards,


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