[Ctk-developers] Widgets list

Paladini, Gianluca (SCR US) gianluca.paladini at siemens.com
Thu Aug 20 19:27:02 EDT 2009

I would caution not to throw into the mix widgets that interact within
the display area. It is useful to populate a GUI's control area with
advanced widgets that go beyond simple buttons and sliders - but when it
comes to the display area you enter the realm of 2D and 3D computer
graphics - some of us use straight OpenGL, some use VTK interactors,
some use Open Inventor manipulators, etc.. Those are not self-contained
user interface widgets - they are tied to coordinate systems and state
management, therefore the moment you introduce something like that you
immediately open up a big can of worms.

-----Original Message-----
From: ctk-developers-bounces at commontk.org
[mailto:ctk-developers-bounces at commontk.org] On Behalf Of Quadrani Paolo
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:02 AM
To: ctk-developers at commontk.org
Subject: [Ctk-developers] Widgets list

Dear all,
following I report collected comments from B3C on the widgets list:

Instead thinking at all possible widgets combinations, should be more  
convenient to start thinking at a common base of widgets (coming for  
example from the General Purpose Widgets) and giving an easy way to  
combine/extend them through the API.

We think that are missing some widgets:
- Rotation widget
- Translation widget
- Isotropic-scaling widget
- ROI widget
- Probing widget
- Distance meter widget
- Selection widget

At this link you can find some snapshots coming from a MAF application:


Paolo Quadrani
BioComputing Competence Centre
SCS s.r.l.

Via Magnanelli 6/3, 40033
Casalecchio di Reno

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