[Ctk-developers] Widgets list

Steve Pieper pieper at bwh.harvard.edu
Thu Aug 20 13:38:30 EDT 2009

Thanks, Paolo -

Those are good points.  I added them to the wiki pages under 2D/3D 
widgets with some links to other info:



Quadrani Paolo wrote:
> Dear all,
> following I report collected comments from B3C on the widgets list:
> "
> Instead thinking at all possible widgets combinations, should be more 
> convenient to start thinking at a common base of widgets (coming for 
> example from the General Purpose Widgets) and giving an easy way to 
> combine/extend them through the API.
> We think that are missing some widgets:
> - Rotation widget
> - Translation widget
> - Isotropic-scaling widget
> - ROI widget
> - Probing widget
> - Distance meter widget
> - Selection widget
> "
> At this link you can find some snapshots coming from a MAF application:
> http://www.openmaf.org/maf/Members/Quadrani/CTK_Widgets_snaps.zip
> Cheers
> Paolo Quadrani
> _________________________________
> BioComputing Competence Centre
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> Via Magnanelli 6/3, 40033
> Casalecchio di Reno
> Italy
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