[CMake] Return an Error Code (or something) from a CMake Script.

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 16:10:59 EST 2018

cmake -P usually do the right thing. Here  you ignore the error because you
only message (STATUS ...)
Try adding message (ERROR ...) or message (FATAL_ERROR ...) when
execute_process producer error and tout custom command should faim.

Le 26 févr. 2018 20:19, "Michael Jackson" <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> a
écrit :

> In our CMake based project I generate a *.cmake file which I call with the
> following bit of code:
>   add_custom_target(DREAM3D_MKDOCS_GENERATION ALL
>     COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${docsCmakeFile}"
>     COMMENT "using mkdocs to generate the documentation"
>   )
> Inside the generated file is the following cmake command:
>   message(STATUS "Starting mkdocs execution. This can take a while.....")
>   execute_process(COMMAND "/path/to/mkdocs" build
>                 OUTPUT_VARIABLE mkdocs_gen_output
>                 RESULT_VARIABLE mkdocs_gen_result
>                 ERROR_VARIABLE mkdocs_gen_error
>                 WORKING_DIRECTORY "/Users/mjackson/DREAM3D-Dev/D
> REAM3D-Build/Debug/Documentation/mkdocs"
>                 )
>   message(STATUS "mkdocs_gen_result: ${mkdocs_gen_result}")
>   message(STATUS "mkdocs_gen_error: ${mkdocs_gen_error}")
>   message(STATUS "*****************************
> *********************************************")
>   message(STATUS "mkdocs_gen_output: ${mkdocs_gen_output}")
>   message(STATUS "*****************************
> *********************************************")
> The issue that I am having is that if the mkdocs command fails, the build
> does NOT show the failure. Is there a way to have the "cmake -P" command
> pick up the fact that the cmake script failed so that the build fails or
> throws a warning/error?
> Thanks
> Mike Jackson
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