[CMake] CDash does not show GIT column with commits

Denis Davydov denis.davydov at fau.de
Fri Nov 10 04:54:57 EST 2017

Dear all,

we are running a server with CDash v2.4.0-prebuilt (webpage shows 2.5.0 though) and
can not figure out how to make CDash to show git commit for each build in the dashboard.

The ctest script ends with:

SET(_path "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/${_tag}")

FILE(WRITE ${_path}/Update.xml
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<Update mode=\"Client\" Generator=\"ctest-${CTEST_VERSION}\">


From visual inspection I see that everything[1] is being picked up correctly in this file and it’s being created where it should.
As for the CDash project settings, the “Repository” tab has “Repository Viewer Type” set to “GitHub”, otherwise other fields are empty.
The code is hosted at a private GitHub repository, so we can’t really point CDash to it, as far as I understand.
Perhaps that’s the reason why we don’t see a “Git” column for each build with hashes, but I kind of hoped that
it’s possible to display it even if the repository itself is private and so CDash won’t be able to create meaningful 
hyperlinks to each commit.

[1] The only minor issue is that I expected CTEST_VERSION to be defined, but it is not. So probably one would need to get it 

Thank you in advance,

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