[CMake] Interesting behavior of MAIN_DEPENDENCY in makefiles

James Bigler jamesbigler at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 00:46:19 EST 2016

Say you have a simple cpp file:

cat > test.cpp
int main() { return 0; }

Then you have this as your CMakeLists.txt file:

set(input_file test.cpp)
  OUTPUT ${generated_file}
  COMMAND c++ -c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${input_file} -o
  COMMENT "Building ${generated_file} using custom command."
add_executable(test_b ${generated_file} ${input_file})
#add_executable(test_b ${generated_file} )
set_target_properties(test_b PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX)

add_executable(test_cxx test.cpp)

If I put test.cpp as the MAIN_DEPENDENCY then add_executable(test_cxx
test.cpp) fails to compile an object file to link in.

If I change MAIN_DEPENDENCY to DEPENDS, then the add_executable(test_b
${generated_file} ${input_file}) will end up compiling test.cpp into an
object file twice (when it only did it once before).

Can anyone explain why this is so?  It seems like weird behavior.

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