[CMake] Trouble getting install script to actually run during packaging

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Thu May 14 16:47:11 EDT 2015

I have a bit of Cmake code that I can not seem to figure out how to get to
actually run during cpack. HEre is the code:

                 "${DREAM3DProj_BINARY_DIR}/Deploy_ITK_Libs.sh" @ONLY
  FILE(WRITE "${DREAM3DProj_BINARY_DIR}/Deploy_ITK_Libs.cmake"
"execute_process(COMMAND \"/bin/bash
  FILE(APPEND "${DREAM3DProj_BINARY_DIR}/Deploy_ITK_Libs.cmake"
"\n\nMESSAGE(STATUS \"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ THIS IS DONE @@@@@@@@@@@\")\n")

  INSTALL(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND \"/bin/bash
          COMPONENT Applications)
  install(SCRIPT "${DREAM3DProj_BINARY_DIR}/Deploy_ITK_Libs.cmake"
COMPONENT Applications)

After I build I run "cpack" from the command line. I see _other_ scripts
that I have configured run but not _this_ script. I have verified that the
cmake code is actually executing as I get a new script file each time I run
cmake. I am sure I am missing something simple at this point but I just can
not see it.

This is on Linux Mint 17.x with CMake 3.1.0.

Thanks for any help
Mike Jackson                  mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
BlueQuartz Software                    www.bluequartz.net
Principal Software Engineer                  Dayton, Ohio
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