[CMake] Announcing a (potential) new CMake project!

Alexander Neundorf a.neundorf-work at gmx.net
Tue Feb 3 14:57:26 EST 2015

On Monday, February 02, 2015 19:23:41 Jeremy Moles wrote:
> Hello everyone! My name is Jeremy, and I've been working with AlphaPixel
> (http://www.alphapixel.com) for the last 3 years. Similar to other
> companies of the type, Chris (our CEO), gives the employees the
> opportunity to frequently work on projects that don't always directly
> relate to the contract work at hand. Lately we've been tossing around
> the idea of working on a project related to CMake, and before I set out
> to begin hacking, I wanted to ping the lists and make sure I'm not
> duplicating existing work or putting effort into something that won't
> ever see any use.

It's a good idea, and you're not the first one with that idea.
There were several before 
, one of them extra-cmake-modules, which I started: 
I intended this to be a central place for additional cmake modules, with 
contributors also from outside KDE, and not really bound to KDE, but this 
didn't work out, and until today there are no contributors outside KDE and I 
have the feeling that it is now basically a "KDE library".

Aynway, you may check on the kde-buildsystem mailing list 
(https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-buildsystem) whether the 
maintainers want to cooperate.


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