[CMake] Link errors - can I get more verbose messages?

DJ jakep at arqux.com
Thu Dec 17 00:02:27 EST 2015

On 15-12-16 10:53 PM, J. Caleb Wherry wrote:
> (forgot to reply-all)
> First: looks like you aren't doing an out-of-source build. If OpenGL 
> expects an out-of-source build (not sure if it does), then you need to 
> do it that way otherwise things could get screwy:
> $ mkdir build
> $ cd build
> $ cmake ${SRC_ROOT}
> $ make VERBOSE=1
> Second, the VERBOSE option to make should spit out a bunch of stuff. 
> You'll have to dig through to find the link lines but it would at 
> least allow you to grep for the lib to make sure it is actually 
> linking against it.
> -Caleb
Thanks for the reply. I am following the directions supplied with the 
software, which tells me which directory to run cmake and make in. When 
I tried your suggestion for out-of-source build, which did not help.

However, the make VERBOSE=1 did allow me to locate the file used by 
cmake to do the linking, so I can see the gcc flags etc. It does appear 
to me that libraries are not specified as I would expect, but I shall 
have to re-acquaint myself with what all the link option flags do. I'll 
probably end up trying to reach the author of the software on this.

But meanwhile, could you or anyone give me a hint as to where I would 
look in cmake files to find out where DSO or static libraries might be 
specified? This is no doubt in the cmake documentation, but so far I 
find that documentation less than friendly.


- Jake -
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