[CMake] Command line arguments to tests and VS projects

Nagy-Egri Máté Ferenc nagymatef at freemail.hu
Fri Mar 28 04:26:32 EDT 2014


I am having trouble passing command line arguments to unit tests using the add_test() command. It seems that the arguments are always cut off, no matter what I do. I have tried

add_test( NAME TestSTLArithmetics COMMAND ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/TestSTLArithmetics “-L 31”)

add_test( NAME TestSTLArithmetics COMMAND ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/TestSTLArithmetics -L 31)

add_test( NAME TestSTLArithmetics COMMAND “${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/TestSTLArithmetics -L 31”)

But none of these work.

As for the Visual Studio part, I would like to have the tests seperately have command line arguments, not just when called by the RUN_TESTS project.

Here is the Visual Studio specific part of my CMakeFile.txt:

 set_target_properties (TestSTLArithmetics PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${MSVC_COMPILER_FLAGS})
 set_target_properties (TestSTLArithmetics PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${MSVC_LINKER_FLAGS})
 set_target_properties (TestSTLArithmetics PROPERTIES COMMAND_ARGUMENTS "-L 31")

But nothing happens inside the project file.

What is the correct syntax to do these?
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