[CMake] how to compile as 64bit on win

Martin Koller martin.koller at etm.at
Wed Mar 6 04:28:01 EST 2013

On Wednesday 06 March 2013 09:57:09 Koller, Martin wrote:
> I'm using a current developers snapshot of cmake to include the fix of
> http://cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=commitdiff;h=add8d22acc9417cb144a0b497f4f5ef330bfc680
> However, a simple cmake file
> project(test)
> always gives me "x86".

I think the obove commit is wrong.
The check seems wrong:

I see no documentation where I could use this ENV{...} syntax.
I only find $ENV{xxxx}

But probably it's just not documented.

However, I locally modified the if to
and now it works.

Best regards/Schöne Grüße


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