[CMake] How clean generated build system files

Clifford Yapp cliffyapp at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 21:14:23 EST 2012

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 4:45 AM, lzprgmr <baiyanhuang at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks guys, so it is not supported currently in cmake for whatever
> reasons.

It's not supported as a direct feature, to the best of my knowledge.

That said, it is technically possible to do - it just requires you to
create your own system on top of CMake.  The BRL-CAD project implements
such a system. To see how, check out how we implement our "distclean"
target - that command restores the source directory to pristine condition.
Be warned - it's one of the more complex aspects of our build system and
depends on a number of other customizations.  If an out-of-source-dir
solution is sufficient, I wouldn't advise complicating your build logic -
we had most of the pieces in place for other reasons, so for us distclean
was a fairly minimal step on top of them.
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