[CMake] Test organization within cmake

Damien R damienrg+list at gmail.com
Thu May 24 09:57:35 EDT 2012


I want some help to organize tests within cmake.
Currently I have a test directory which contains some test files, eg :

In the CMakeLists.txt, I had:
add_executable(test_foo test_foo.cpp)
add_test(test_foo test_foo)

add_executable(test_bar test_bar.cpp)
add_test(test_bar test_bar)

test_bar and test_foo have not the same dependencies so I did:
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS thread)
add_executable(test_foo test_foo.cpp)
add_test(test_foo test_foo)
target_link_libraries(test_foo ${Boost_LIBRARIES} my-project)

find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system)
add_executable(test_bar test_bar.cpp)
add_test(test_bar test_bar)
target_link_libraries(test_bar ${Boost_LIBRARIES} my-project)

but it does not work as I expected (see bug
I realized that is not a cmake bug but my misunderstanding of cmake.

Correct me if I am wrong but I think the cmake way looks like:

find_package(Boost COMPONENTS thread)
add_executable(test_foo test_foo.cpp)
add_test(test_foo test_foo)
target_link_libraries(test_foo ${Boost_LIBRARIES} my-project)

find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system)
add_executable(test_bar test_bar.cpp)
add_test(test_bar test_bar)
target_link_libraries(test_bar ${Boost_LIBRARIES} my-project)

but I think this solution is a bit verbose because we need to create a
directory for each test.

So, I have 2 questions:
- how do you organize your tests within cmake? / what is the cmake way to
organize test?
- how do you handle multiple targets in the same CMakeLists.txt with
differents dependencies? / what is the cmake way to handle multiple targets
in the same CMakeLists.txt with differents dependencies?

Damien R.
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