[CMake] CMake 2.8.8 bug with cmake-gui and stop button

Robert Dailey rcdailey.lists at gmail.com
Tue May 1 16:35:48 EDT 2012

Remember that change that was made to make pressing stop in cmake-gui more
responsive? I'm finding an issue now where during configure, if I stop, it
stops without failing, which allows me to press generate on a partial
configuration. I'm not sure if this is a bug of feature but I thought I'd
mention it. I output text in my CMake scripts for each target I create and

Checking for new third party libraries (might take a few minutes)...

_copy_dlls being generated (may take a while)


 + testharness --> common/testharness/CMakeLists.txt

+ gdutil --> common/util/CMakeLists.txt

Configuring done

Generating done

I pressed stop and nothing failed after configuring 'gdutil' target. I have
at least 100 other targets that are supposed to generate after that.
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