[CMake] ctest return code

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Wed Feb 15 16:20:26 EST 2012

On 2/15/2012 3:57 PM, Tom Deblauwe wrote:
> It is apparently a combination of the two things, first I had to check
> the "RETURN_VALUE" of the ctest_test command and then issue a
> fatal_error when not zero.
> Secondly: This works if I test it like you suggest in a command window:
> the %errorlevel% is set. However in the "git bash" shell thingy on
> windows, I always get 0. I tried it now in linux too, and there the
> "echo $?" is working and is showing me the error code instead of 0.
OK, I was wrong.  It should work.  It is just git bash that is broken...


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