[CMake] $<TARGET_FILE:tgt> in the add_custom_command()

Kozlovskiy, Alexey Alexey_Kozlovskiy at mentor.com
Tue Feb 14 06:38:02 EST 2012


If the project name has a symbols "-" or "+" the $<TARGET_FILE:tgt> in the add_custom_command() return Error: "Error evaluating generator expression"

For example:
SET ( PROJECT_NAME "00010-Liquid+Gas_as_capture " )
set ( SRCS_MAIN_CPT main.c      )
add_executable ( ${ PROJECT_NAME } ${SRCS_MAIN_CPT} )

add_custom_command ( TARGET ${ PROJECT_NAME } POST_BUILD
                                            COMMAND "$<TARGET_FILE:${ PROJECT_NAME }>"
                                            ARGS "$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:${ PROJECT_NAME }>/110.cnf"
                                            COMMENT "Running cpt.exe..."


When I run the CMake I received the following error:

"CMake Error at problems.rt.Cmake:114 (add_custom_command):
  Error evaluating generator expression:
Expression syntax not recognized."

Is this a bug or some syntax limitation?


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