[CMake] link against a library under windows

Tyler Roscoe tyler at cryptio.net
Mon Jan 31 12:10:27 EST 2011

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 08:12:49AM +0100, ycollette.nospam at free.fr wrote:
> if (MKL_FOUND)
>   set(LINK_PATHS ${LINK_PATHS} "${mkl_solver_PATH}")
> endif (MKL_FOUND)
> if (MPI_FOUND)
> endif (MPI_FOUND)
> link_directories(${LINK_PATHS})

Don't use link_directories(). Instead pass the full path to

> set(LINK_LIBS odbc32 libifport libifcore)
> if (MKL_FOUND)
> endif (MKL_FOUND)
> if (MPI_FOUND)
>   set(LINK_LIBS ${LINK_LIBS} fmpich2)
> endif (MPI_FOUND)
> target_link_libraries(arc2d ${LINK_LIBS})
> Now, if I build my project, there is a link error because a lot of
> symbols are not found. If I do a nmake VERBOSE=1, I see that the link
> command has only the last library: fmpich2.

You may also be interested in list(... APPEND ...). Maybe you need
quotes to insure that LINK_LIBS is set correctly the way you're doing

> So, my question is: how do I add several libraries in the command
> "target_link_libraries" and how do I add several paths in
> link_directories under windows ?

Your approach is fine. I would inspect the value of LINK_LIBS that is
passed to target_link_libraries() to make sure it's what you expect it
to be.

> Do I need to add a ".lib" string to each libraries ?


> Do I need to add the complete path to each libraries ?

No, but it is highly recommended.


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