[CMake] semi-verbose output

Yngve Inntjore Levinsen yngve.levinsen at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 09:08:11 EST 2011

Dear CMakers,

I was wondering if it is possible to get a custom verbose output when 
compiling? Currently when you do "make VERBOSE=ON" you get lines which 
are full of paths of "mediocre interest", while many developers are 
highly curious about seeing the flags and the files that are linked.

In order to demonstrate what I mean I have this highly stupidly written 
command using sed several times:
     make -n | sed -e 's/\/[A-Za-z]*\//\//g' | sed -e 
's/\/.[A-Za-z]*\///g' | sed -e 's/CMakeFiles\/[A-Za-z]*\.dir\///g'
(yes I know if I spent another 30 minutes I would probably be able to 
write this with one sed command only, I'm a sed newbie...)

This command at least for me removes all paths so that it says e.g.
gfortran  -o a_scratch_size.f90.o  -D_CATCH_MEM -D_WRAP_FORTRAN_CALLS 
-D_WRAP_C_CALLS -D_FULL -I. -Imadx-svn/madX   -funroll-loops 
-fno-range-check -fno-f2c -O2  -Jbin/fortran -I/include   -c 

instead of previously (using only "make -n"):
/usr/bin/gfortran  -o CMakeFiles/madx.dir/a_scratch_size.f90.o  
-I/Users/yngveinntjorelevinsen/tmp/madx-svn/madX   -funroll-loops 
-fno-range-check -fno-f2c -O2  -Jbin/fortran -I/usr/include   -c 

My question then becomes, would it be possible to do something similar 
with some kind of CMake flag? It would be very useful for developers in 
the project I am working on...

Cheers and thanks,

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