[CMake] Question regarding project structure

David Aldrich David.Aldrich at EU.NEC.COM
Thu Sep 16 06:45:05 EDT 2010


I have now successfully configured CMakeLists files to create some of our static and dynamic libraries using CMake.  I would now like some advice on how to configure these separate build files as a single project.

Here's what our current folder structure is like:

Trunk ------- Kernel      <==== a static library containing main()
         |--- DynLibs     <==== containg multiple folders containing
         |                      proprietary source code, each folder
         |                      builds one shared library
         |--- MyExe       <==== contains top-level makefile that
                                a) links Kernel static library into an .exe
                                b) calls makefiles for the dynamic libraries

This structure may not be ideal from a CMake standpoint, but I would like to maintain it to ease the transition from pure gnu make to CMake.

What would I need to put in the top-level CMakeLists file (MyExe/CMakeLists.txt) to reference the other CMakeLists files?

Should each CMakeLists file have its own Project name, or should they all be the same?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Best regards


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