[CMake] This has to have been asked before...

Oliver Smith osmith at playnet.com
Mon Mar 8 14:11:52 EST 2010

On 3/6/2010 8:04 PM, J Decker wrote:
> there is a foreach() operator...
Well, thanks for trying, but what I actually want to know is how to add 
something to all the current targets /automatically/ - as in without 
specifying them by hand, and how to get the compiler flags etc of a 
particular target so that I can /generate/ a custom command that matches 
the given target.

     get_file_component(pchbase ${PrecompiledHeader} NAME_WE)
     get_file_component(pchpath ${PrecompiledHeader} PATH)

*    foreach ( target in LISTS CMAKE_TARGET_LIST )*

         set(pchname "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${pchbase}.${target}.h")

         get_target_properties(defines ${target} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS)
         get_target_properties(flags ${target} COMPILE_FLAGS)
         set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS 
"${flags} -include ${pchname} -Winvalid-pch")

         add_custom_command(${target} PRE_BUILD COMMAND
             "ln -s ${pchname} ${PrecompiledHeader}"
             "g++ ${defines} ${flags} -o ${pchname}.gch ${pchname}")
     endforeach ()

Marked in bold is the part I'm struggling with.

- Oliver

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