[CMake] CPackDeb generator patch

Thawan Kooburat kthawan at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 17:47:46 EST 2010


I created a patch for CPack Debian generator. Here is the list of my

-  Automatically generate dependency list if dpkg-shlibdeps utility is
       1. Detect if dpkg-shlibdeps is existed in the system
       2. Use "find" and "file" command to generate a list of file and its type
       3. Only dynamically linked ELF binary are sent to
dpkg-shlibdeps  to generate the dependency list
       4. Final dependency list  =  dpkg-shlibdeps  + user-specified depends

- Change how top-level directories are detected - existing method
ignores blank directories

- Automatically set permission of control scripts to 07555  (prerm,
preinst, postrm, postinst)

- Add one more Debian control file field -

Any comments is welcomed and I hope that all of these features get
included into the future release of CPack

Thawan Kooburat

Graduate Student
Department of Computer Science
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