[CMake] Cmake 2.8.1 error

罗勇刚(Yonggang Luo) luoyonggang at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 05:26:44 EDT 2010

Because of not pollute the system environment variables. so I was
using batch files to set the PATH env variable, and also other
variable. But One problem appeared, because once
I was using
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - MinGW Makefiles"  src
to generate eclipse project files, I can't build the project because
the environment variables for cmake and mingw32-make is changed!
Even though cmake is generated the absolute path, but sometimes, it's
need to access to DLL files, so even though you call the programs, but
the PATH env var is changed, the app will raising  errors that can't
find those DLL files.
So, The best way to deal with such an problem is direct using the
current env variables to replace the system env variables:)

Yonggang Luo

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