[CMake] debug with codeblocks project

AKHRES Nader nader.akhres at laposte.net
Mon Apr 5 17:08:46 EDT 2010

thanks, it works now.

Le 04/04/2010 20:51, Ryan Pavlik a écrit :
> Yes, the CodeBlocks generator in CMake is just an extension of the 
> makefile one (note that it's named "Code::Blocks - Unix Makefiles") so 
> the same thing applies: set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE as desired. In general, 
> when using a CMake-generated project file, if you need to change a 
> project setting, do it in CMake rather than your IDE, since the CMake 
> settings are the master ones used to generate the IDE data.
> Ryan
> On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 5:38 AM, AKHRES Nader <nader.akhres at laposte.net 
> <mailto:nader.akhres at laposte.net>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I still have issue to compil with debug info in codeblocks project
>     (generated by cmake).
>     When I set the "-g" options in codeblocks gui, it seems to have no
>     effect (but I manage to get it somehow by cleaning/rebuilding but
>     can't reproduce).
>     If I've understood (could someone confirm that?), with make
>     generated by cmake, I have to generate one project for debug (with
>     CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to Debug) and one for release?
>     Is it the same for codeblocks?
>     Nad
>     ps: issue is the same with both windows and linux and even with
>     minimal project
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> Ryan Pavlik
> HCI Graduate Student
> Virtual Reality Applications Center
> Iowa State University
> rpavlik at iastate.edu <mailto:rpavlik at iastate.edu>
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