[CMake] Texinfo file configuration.

Nicolas Desprès nicolas.despres at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 10:02:26 EDT 2008

Hi list,

I have a peace of code that I would like to share with you. When
trying to configure a texinfo file such as:

@set myemail ${MYEMAIL}

using CONFIGURE_FILE, I faced a character escaping proble. The
variable MYEMAIL is set to foo at bar.com but in texinfo, since @ is the
command prefix I have to escape the one in the email address like
this: foo@@bar.com. The ESCAPE_QUOTES option of CONFIGURE_FILE doesn't
help for this. May be, we need a way to specify a custom list of
character to escape to CONFIGURE_FILE.

Thus, I wrote this function that do the job by collecting all the
variables included in the input file, then escapes the @ and finally
ask to CONFIGURE_FILE to configure the file.

# - Configure texinfo file
# This function is very similar to configure_file except that it takes care to
# escape @ characters. Prefers to use ${var} expansion form instead of @var@


function(CONFIGURE_TEXINFO input output)
  # Collect all variables ${var} in the file.
  file(READ ${input} inbuf)
  # We write [{] instead of { to avoid pattern like ${..} that cmake tries to
  # expand.
  string(REGEX MATCHALL "\\$[{]([^}]+)}" varlist ${inbuf})
  # Removes $, { and } from the variables list.
  set(tmpvarlist "")
  foreach(i ${varlist})
    string(REGEX REPLACE "[$}{]" "" tmp ${i})
    list(APPEND tmpvarlist ${tmp})
  set(varlist ${tmpvarlist})
  # Save and escape variables.
  foreach(i ${varlist})
    set(__configure_textinfo_copy__${i} ${${i}})
    string(REGEX REPLACE "@([^@])" "@@\\1" tmp "${${i}}")
    set(${i} ${tmp})
  # Configure the file.
  configure_file(${input} ${output} ESCAPE_QUOTES)
  # Restore variables and destroy backup.
  foreach(i ${varlist})
    set(${i} ${__configure_textinfo_copy__${i}})
  message(STATUS "Configure '${input}' to '${output}'")


Best regards,

Nicolas Desprès

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