[CMake] Visual Studio and Windows Mobile SDKs

Andreas Pokorny andreas.pokorny at gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 07:44:34 EDT 2008

Hi there,
We have just started getting WinCE platform files to work. I have worked
around the /system:console issues mentioned in the mails below. I basically
reused the existing Windows and Windows-cl platform files, and made changes
where the scripts try to execute compiled applications. Building console-like
applications  - well... applications with an int main - is possible,
but requires
specifying mainACRTStartup as /ENTRY: point. This was done to get the
default C and CXX tests working.

There are some remaining issues .. like getting all compiler flags and include
paths right. I have no idea what most of the flags do. I believe the
include paths
and machine type options have to be provided by a CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE.
Apart from that I am really no msvc or winCE expert, so most of the
stuff was learnt
by trial and error. So I would be happy to share what we have done so
far. But for
that you will have to wait until Monday.

What is the difference between all these different windows CE systems?
I.e. is windows
mobile 5 the same as windows ce 5?

kind regards
Andreas Pokorny

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