[CMake] Ignore library flags now works in 2.4.8!

Sylvain Benner benner at virtools.com
Tue Feb 19 05:33:14 EST 2008

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// This is a table mapping XML tag IDE names to command line options
struct cmVS7FlagTable
  const char* IDEName;     // name used in the IDE xml file
  const char* commandFlag; // command line flag
  const char* comment;     // comment
  const char* value;       // string value

cmVS7FlagTable cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorMPCompilerFlagTable[] =
	// option flags (some flags map to the same option)

	// C/C++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// General
	{"DebugInformationFormat",            "Z7",                   "debug format",                               "1"},
	{"DebugInformationFormat",            "Zd",                   "debug format",                               "2"},
	{"DebugInformationFormat",            "Zi",                   "debug format",                               "3"},
	{"DebugInformationFormat",            "ZI",                   "debug format",                               "4"},
	{"SuppressStartupBanner",             "nologo",               "SuppressStartupBanner",                      "TRUE"},
	{"SuppressStartupBanner",             "logo",                 "Do not SuppressStartupBanner",               "FALSE"},
	{"WarningLevel",                      "W1",                   "Warning level",                              "1"},
	{"WarningLevel",                      "W2",                   "Warning level",                              "2"},
	{"WarningLevel",                      "W3",                   "Warning level",                              "3"},
	{"WarningLevel",                      "W4",                   "Warning level",                              "4"},
	{"Detect64BitPortabilityProblems",    "noWp64",               "Do not Detect 64-bit Portability Issues",    "FALSE"},
	{"Detect64BitPortabilityProblems",    "Wp64",                 "Detect 64-bit Portability Issues",           "TRUE"},
	{"WarnAsError",                       "noWX",                 "Do not Treat warnings as errors",            "FALSE"},
	{"WarnAsError",                       "WX",                   "Treat warnings as errors",                   "TRUE"},
	// Optimization
	{"Optimization",                      "Od",                   "Non Debug",                                  "0"},
	{"Optimization",                      "O1",                   "Min Size",                                   "1"},
	{"Optimization",                      "O2",                   "Max Speed",                                  "2"},
	{"Optimization",                      "Ox",                   "Max Optimization",                           "3"},
	{"GlobalOptimizations",               "noOg",                 "Do not Global Optimizations",                "FALSE"},
	{"GlobalOptimizations",               "Og",                   "Global Optimizations",                       "TRUE"},
	{"InlineFunctionExpansion",           "Ob0",                  "no inlines",                                 "0"},
	{"InlineFunctionExpansion",           "Ob1",                  "when inline keyword",                        "1"},
	{"InlineFunctionExpansion",           "Ob2",                  "any time you can inline",                    "2"},
	{"EnableIntrinsicFunctions",          "noOi",                 "Do not EnableIntrinsicFunctions",            "FALSE"},
	{"EnableIntrinsicFunctions",          "Oi",                   "EnableIntrinsicFunctions",                   "TRUE"},
	{"ImproveFloatingPointConsistency",   "noOp",                 "Do not ImproveFloatingPointConsistency",     "FALSE"},
	{"ImproveFloatingPointConsistency",   "Op",                   "ImproveFloatingPointConsistency",            "TRUE"},
	{"FavorSizeOrSpeed",                  "Ot",                   "Favor fast code",                            "1"},
	{"FavorSizeOrSpeed",                  "Os",                   "Favor small code",                           "2"},
	{"OmitFramePointers",                 "noOy",                 "Do not OmitFramePointers",                   "FALSE"},
	{"OmitFramePointers",                 "Oy",                   "OmitFramePointers",                          "TRUE"},
	{"EnableFibreSafeOptimization",       "noGT",                 "Don't OmitFramePointers",                    "FALSE"},
	{"EnableFibreSafeOptimization",       "GT",                   "OmitFramePointers",                          "TRUE"},
	{"OptimizeForProcessor",              "GB",                   "Blended processor mode",                     "0"},
	{"OptimizeForProcessor",              "G5",                   "Pentium",                                    "1"},
	{"OptimizeForProcessor",              "G6",                   "PPro PII PIII",                              "2"},
	{"OptimizeForProcessor",              "G7",                   "Pentium 4 or Athlon",                        "3"},
	{"OptimizeForWindowsApplication",     "noGA",                 "Do not Optimize for windows",                "FALSE"},
	{"OptimizeForWindowsApplication",     "GA",                   "Optimize for windows",                       "TRUE"},
	// Code Generation
	{"StringPooling",                     "noGF",                 "Disable read-only string pooling",           "FALSE"},
	{"StringPooling",                     "GF",                   "Enable read-only string pooling",            "TRUE"},
	{"MinimalRebuild",                    "noGm",                 "Do not minimal rebuild",                     "FALSE"},
	{"MinimalRebuild",                    "Gm",                   "minimal rebuild",                            "TRUE"},
	{"ExceptionHandling",                 "noEHsc2005",           "Do not enable c++ exceptions",               "0"},
	{"ExceptionHandling",                 "EHsc2005",             "Enable c++ exceptions",                      "1"},
	{"ExceptionHandling",                 "EHa",                  "Enable c++ exceptions with SEH exceptions",  "2"},
	{"ExceptionHandling",                 "noEHsc",               "Do not enable c++ exceptions",               "FALSE"},
	{"ExceptionHandling",                 "EHsc",                 "enable c++ exceptions",                      "TRUE"},
	{"ExceptionHandling",                 "noGX",                 "Do not enable c++ exceptions",               "FALSE"},
	{"ExceptionHandling",                 "GX",                   "enable c++ exceptions",                      "TRUE"},
	{"SmallerTypeCheck",                  "noRTCc",               "Do not smaller type check",                  "FALSE"},
	{"SmallerTypeCheck",                  "RTCc",                 "smaller type check",                         "TRUE"},
	{"BasicRuntimeChecks",                "GZ",                   "Stack frame checks",                         "1"},
	{"BasicRuntimeChecks",                "RTCsu",                "Both stack and uninitialized checks ",       "3"},
	{"BasicRuntimeChecks",                "RTC1",                 "Both stack and uninitialized checks ",       "3"},
	{"BasicRuntimeChecks",                "RTCs",                 "Stack frame checks",                         "1"},
	{"BasicRuntimeChecks",                "RTCu",                 "Uninitialized Variables ",                   "2"},
	{"RuntimeLibrary",                    "MTd",                  "Multithreaded debug",                         "1"},
	{"RuntimeLibrary",                    "MT",                   "Multithreaded",                               "0"},
	{"RuntimeLibrary",                    "MDd",                  "Multithreaded dll debug",                     "3"},
	{"RuntimeLibrary",                    "MD",                   "Multithreaded dll",                           "2"},
	{"RuntimeLibrary",                    "MLd",                  "Single Thread debug",                        "5"},
	{"RuntimeLibrary",                    "ML",                   "Single Thread",                              "4"},
	{"StructMemberAlignment",             "Zp16",                 "struct align 16 byte ",                      "5"},
	{"StructMemberAlignment",             "Zp1",                  "struct align 1 byte ",                       "1"},
	{"StructMemberAlignment",             "Zp2",                  "struct align 2 byte ",                       "2"},
	{"StructMemberAlignment",             "Zp4",                  "struct align 4 byte ",                       "3"},
	{"StructMemberAlignment",             "Zp8",                  "struct align 8 byte ",                       "4"},
	{"BufferSecurityCheck",               "noGS",                 "Don't Buffer security check",                "FALSE"},
	{"BufferSecurityCheck",               "GS",                   "Buffer security check",                      "TRUE"},
	{"EnableFunctionLevelLinking",        "noGy",                 "Do not EnableFunctionLevelLinking",          "FALSE"},
	{"EnableFunctionLevelLinking",        "Gy",                   "EnableFunctionLevelLinking",                 "TRUE"},
	{"EnableEnhancedInstructionSet",      "arch:SSE2",            "Use SSE2 instructions",                      "2"},
	{"EnableEnhancedInstructionSet",      "arch:SSE",             "Use SSE instructions",                       "1"},
	{"OpenMP",                            "openmp",               "Enable OpenMP support",                      "TRUE"},
	{"OpenMP",                            "noopenmp",             "Do not enable OpenMP support",               "FALSE"},
	// Language
	{"TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType",         "noZc:wchar_t",         "Do not Treats wchar_t as a built-in type",   "FALSE"},
	{"TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType",         "Zc:wchar_t",           "Treats wchar_t as a built-in type",          "TRUE"},
	{"ForceConformanceInForLoopScope",    "noZc:forScope",        "No force conform local scope in for loop",   "FALSE"},
	{"ForceConformanceInForLoopScope",    "Zc:forScope",          "force conform local scope in for loop",      "TRUE"},
	{"RuntimeTypeInfo",                   "GR-",                  "Turn off Run time type information for c++", "FALSE"},
	{"RuntimeTypeInfo",                   "noGR",                 "Turn off Run time type information for c++", "FALSE"},
	{"RuntimeTypeInfo",                   "GR",                   "Turn on Run time type information for c++",  "TRUE"},
	// Precompiled Headers
	{"UsePrecompiledHeader",              "Yc",                   "Create precompiled header",                  "1"},
	{"UsePrecompiledHeader",              "YX",                   "Automatically generate precompiled header",  "2"},
	{"UsePrecompiledHeader",              "Yu2005",               "Use precompiled header",                     "2"},
	{"UsePrecompiledHeader",              "Yu",                   "Use precompiled header",                     "3"},
	// Advanced
	{"ShowIncludes",                      "noshowIncludes",       "Generates a list of include files",          "FALSE"},
	{"ShowIncludes",                      "showIncludes",         "Generates a list of include files",          "TRUE"},
	{"CompileForArchitecture",            "QRarch4",              "Compile for architecture",                   "0"},
	{"InterworkCalls",                    "noQRinterwork-return", "Interwork Calls",                            "FALSE"},
	{"InterworkCalls",                    "QRinterwork-return",   "Interwork Calls",                            "TRUE"},
	{"CompileAs",                         "compileAsDefault",     "Compile as default",                         "0"},
	// Xbox 360
	{"RegisterReservation",               "noQVMXReserve",        "VMX registers reservation",                  "FALSE"},
	{"RegisterReservation",               "QVMXReserve",          "VMX registers reservation",                  "TRUE"},
	{"TrapIntegerDivides",                "noOc",                 "trap instructions around integer divides",   "FALSE"},
	{"TrapIntegerDivides",                "Oc",                   "trap instructions around integer divides",   "TRUE"},
	{"Prescheduling",                     "noOu",                 "perform an additional code scheduling pass", "FALSE"},
	{"Prescheduling",                     "Ou",                   "perform an additional code scheduling pass", "TRUE"},
	{"InlineAssembly",                    "noOz",                 "reorder inline assembly instruction",        "FALSE"},
	{"InlineAssembly",                    "Oz",                   "reorder inline assembly instruction",        "TRUE"},
	{"Stalls",                            "noQXSTALLS",           "listing with cycle count from pipeline emu", "FALSE"},
	{"Stalls",                            "QXSTALLS",             "listing with cycle count from pipeline emu", "TRUE"},
	{"CallAttributedProfiling",           "fastcap",              "Call profiler around function calls",        "1"},
	{"CallAttributedProfiling",           "callcap",              "Call profiler within function calls",        "2"},

	{0,0,0,0 }
cmVS7FlagTable cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorMPLinkerFlagTable[] =
	// Linker ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// General
	{"LinkIncremental",            "INCREMENTAL:NO",                    "link incremental",                  "1"},
	{"LinkIncremental",            "INCREMENTAL:YES",                   "link incremental",                  "2"},
	{"LinkIncremental",            "INCREMENTAL",                       "link incremental",                  "2"},
	{"IgnoreImportLibrary",        "NOIGNOREIMPORTLIBRARY",             "IgnoreImportLibrary",               "FALSE"},
	{"IgnoreImportLibrary",        "IGNOREIMPORTLIBRARY",               "IgnoreImportLibrary",               "TRUE"},
	{"RegisterOutput",             "NOREGISTEROUTPUT",                  "Register the primary output",       "FALSE"},
	{"RegisterOutput",             "REGISTEROUTPUT",                    "Register the primary output",       "TRUE"},
	// Input
	{"IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames",  "NODEFAULTLIB",                      "default libraries to ignore",       "PARAMETERS"},
	{"DelayLoadDLLs",              "DELAYLOAD",                         "delayed loading of the DLLS",       "PARAMETERS"},
	{"ModuleDefinitionFile",       "DEF",                               "use specified module definition",   "PARAMETERS"},
	// Manifest
	{"ManifestFile",               "MANIFESTFILE",                      "specify the manifest file",         "PARAMETERS"},
	{"GenerateManifest",           "NOMANIFEST",                        "linker generates a manifest",       "FALSE"},
	{"GenerateManifest",           "MANIFEST",                          "linker generates a manifest",       "TRUE"},
	// Debugging
	{"GenerateDebugInformation",   "NODEBUG",                           "Don't Generate Debug Info",         "FALSE"},
	{"GenerateDebugInformation",   "DEBUG",                             "Generate Debug Info",               "TRUE"},
	// System
	{"SubSystem",                  "SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE",                 "Sub system",                         "1"},
	{"SubSystem",                  "SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWSCE",               "Sub system",                         "9"},
	{"SubSystem",                  "SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS",                 "Sub system",                         "2"},
	{"SubSystem",                  "SUBSYSTEM:NATIVE",                  "Sub system",                         "3"},
	{"SubSystem",                  "SUBSYSTEM:EFI_APPLICATION",         "Sub system",                         "4"},
	{"SubSystem",                  "SUBSYSTEM:EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER", "Sub system",                         "5"},
	{"SubSystem",                  "SUBSYSTEM:EFI_ROM",                 "Sub system",                         "6"},
	{"SubSystem",                  "SUBSYSTEM:EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER",      "Sub system",                         "7"},
	{"SubSystem",                  "SUBSYSTEM:POSIX",                   "Sub system",                         "8"},
	// Optimization
	{"OptimizeReferences",         "OPT:NOREF",                         "Keep Unreferenced Data",             "1"},
	{"OptimizeReferences",         "OPT:REF",                           "Eliminate Unreferenced Data",        "2"},
	{"EnableCOMDATFolding",        "OPT:NOICF",                         "Do not Remove Redundant COMDATs",    "1"},
	{"EnableCOMDATFolding",        "OPT:ICF",                           "Remove Redundant COMDATs",           "2"},
	// Advanced
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:X86",                       "Target Machine",                     "1"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:AM33",                      "Target Machine",                     "2"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:ARM",                       "Target Machine",                     "3"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:EBC",                       "Target Machine",                     "4"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:IA64",                      "Target Machine",                     "5"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:M32R",                      "Target Machine",                     "6"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:MIPS16",                    "Target Machine",                     "8"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:MIPSFPU16",                 "Target Machine",                    "10"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:MIPSFPU",                   "Target Machine",                     "9"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:MIPSR41XX",                 "Target Machine",                    "11"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:MIPS",                      "Target Machine",                     "7"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:SH3DSP",                    "Target Machine",                    "13"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:SH3",                       "Target Machine",                    "12"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:SH4",                       "Target Machine",                    "14"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:SH5",                       "Target Machine",                    "15"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:THUMB",                     "Target Machine",                    "16"},
	{"TargetMachine",              "MACHINE:X64",                       "Target Machine",                    "17"},
	{"EntryPointSymbol",           "ENTRY",                             "EntryPointSymbol",                  "PARAMETERS"},

	{0,0,0,0 }
cmVS7FlagTable cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorMPXBox360ImageConversionToolFlagTable[] =
	// XBox 360 Image Conversion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// General
	{"SuppressStartupBanner",       "nologo",         "suppress display of startup banner",                  "TRUE"},
	{"SuppressStartupBanner",       "logo",           "display of startup banner",                           "FALSE"},
	{"ProjectDefaults",             "config",         "default XEX configuration settings",                  "PARAMETERS"},
	{"TitleID",                     "titleid",        "title ID of the application",                         "PARAMETERS"},
	{"LANKey",                      "lankey",         "Key used for system link",                            "PARAMETERS"},
	{"BaseAddress",                 "baseaddr",       "base address of the image when loaded",               "PARAMETERS"},
	{"XapiHeapSize",                "xapiheap",       "size of default process heap at startup",             "PARAMETERS"},
	{"WorkspaceSize",               "workspace",      "Size of memory workspace for enum/sys proc",          "PARAMETERS"},
	{"AdditionalSections",          "section",        "binary res files to prod XEX image /w headers",       "PARAMETERS"},
	{"ExportByName",                "noexportnames",  "Symbol names are to be included in the executable",   "FALSE"},
	{"ExportByName",                "exportnames",    "Symbol names are to be included in the executable",   "TRUE"},
	{"Privilege_NoODDMapping",      "privilege:2",    "Does not map the optical disc drive to CdRom0:/",     "TRUE"},
	{"Privilege_NoODDMapping",      "noprivilege:2",  "Map the optical disc drive to CdRom0:/",              "FALSE"},
	{"Privilege_PAL50Incompatible", "privilege:10",   "Specifies that the title does not support PAL50",     "TRUE"},
	{"Privilege_PAL50Incompatible", "noprivilege:10", "Specifies that the title supports PAL50",             "FALSE"},

	{0,0,0,0 }

void cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorMP::FillFlagMapFromCommandFlags(
  std::map<cmStdString, cmStdString>& flagMap,
  cmVS7FlagTable* flagTable,
  std::string& flags)
  std::string option;
  std::string optionwithSpace;

  const int POS_MAX = 65535;
  int iBestPos = POS_MAX;
  int iCurPos = 0;
  std::string curCommand(flagTable->IDEName);
  std::string value;
  bool bGCC = (0 != this->Makefile->GetDefinition("USE_GCC_COMPILER"));

       while(flagTable->IDEName && (curCommand == flagTable->IDEName))
          // while it's the same command, we seek the best flag to write
          // first do the - version
          option = "-";
          option += flagTable->commandFlag;
          optionwithSpace = option + " ";
          // check the option with a space first
          while((iCurPos = flags.find(optionwithSpace)) != flags.npos)
            // replace the flag
            cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(flags, optionwithSpace.c_str(), "");
            // now put value into flag map
            if (iCurPos < iBestPos)
               value = flagTable->value;
               iBestPos = iCurPos;
          // now do the / version
          optionwithSpace[0] = '/';
          while((iCurPos = flags.find(optionwithSpace)) != flags.npos)
            // replace the flag
            cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(flags, optionwithSpace.c_str(), "");
            // now put value into flag map
            if (iCurPos < iBestPos)
               value = flagTable->value;
               iBestPos = iCurPos;
          while((iCurPos = flags.find(option)) != flags.npos)
            // replace the flag
            cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(flags, option.c_str(), "");
            // now put value into flag map
            if (iCurPos < iBestPos)
               value = flagTable->value;
               iBestPos = iCurPos;
          // now do the / version
          option[0] = '/';
          while((iCurPos = flags.find(option)) != flags.npos)
            // replace the flag
            cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(flags, option.c_str(), "");
            // now put value into flag map
            if (iCurPos < iBestPos)
               value = flagTable->value;
               iBestPos = iCurPos;

       if(iBestPos != POS_MAX)
          if(0 == strcmp(value.c_str(), "PARAMETERS"))
            // flags with parameters
            int firstPos = flags.find("\"", iBestPos) + 1;
            int lastPos = flags.find("\"", firstPos);
            std::string parameters = flags.substr(firstPos, lastPos-firstPos);
            value = parameters;
            std::string stringToReplace = ":\"" + parameters + "\"";
            cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(flags, stringToReplace.c_str(), "");
          flagMap[curCommand] = value;
       if (flagTable->IDEName)
          curCommand = flagTable->IDEName;
          iBestPos = POS_MAX;

  // If verbose makefiles have been requested and the /nologo option
  // was not given explicitly in the flags we want to add an attribute
  // to the generated project to disable logo suppression.  Otherwise
  // the GUI default is to enable suppression.
    if(flagMap.find("SuppressStartupBanner") == flagMap.end())
      flagMap["SuppressStartupBanner"] = "FALSE";

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