[CMake] CMake2.5 - wrong default install location for mingw

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Oct 20 04:23:48 EDT 2007

On 19.10.07 20:12:54, Gonzalo Garramuño wrote:
> Bill Hoffman wrote:
> >There is no way to tell at cmake time what the user intends to use the code 
> >for.  If the user of cmake is building a windows app, which is the standard 
> >use case for MinGW, then it you don't want /usr/local. 
> I disagree.  You can infer how MinGW is being used by looking at the user's 
> environment.  /usr/local is more tricky but can also be inferred.  More below.
> >The clear goal is to produce native Windows programs, and to support the 
> >autotools make toolchain with enough programs to run make in order to produce 
> >native windows applications.   
> Okay so far.
> >What you want to do is extend the msys environment with extra POSIX compatible 
> >tools.   
> No.  I was just trying to compile cmake (or other stuff) under msys and have it 
> behave like all other (subset of) autotools libraries

But exactly that is not supposed to happen. The only reason for the
existence of MSYS is that autotools are not cross-platform and need some
posix stuff to actually work on win32. CMake works on win32 natively,
without any posix stuff so a builddir setup by CMake should and does
behave like a native win32 build, without any of the posix-specialties
that msys provides. 

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