[CMake] How can I avoid the addition of Debug/Release to the link path?

Nico Galoppo ngaloppo+cmake at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 00:42:31 EDT 2007


I add required libraries to my project with

TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(target /path/to/library)

I then generate Xcode projects, but they give me a warning that
/path/to/Debug (or /path/to/Release) doesn't exist in the linker flag
-L/path/to/{Debug,Release} (and fail because there are alongside
libraries being pulled it). Apparently, cmake added the linker flag
-L/path/to/Debug with the above macro, where I'd like it to add
-L/path/to instead. Is there a way to do this? Perhaps with


Nico Galoppo :: http://www.ngaloppo.org

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