AW: AW: [CMake] AW: Wrong interpretation of "optimized" and "debug" Qt-libs in TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at
Fri Nov 24 11:53:52 EST 2006

wedekind wrote:
> Hello Bill,
>> Yes, it should be correct, and will be for 2.4.5  (which maybe coming
>> sooner than later... :-( )
>> I am not quite sure why you would add it by hand if it does not
>> exist...
> Well, I need this lib, the debug version of the qt-lib, only sometimes. I
> did not have installed it yet, but I have been using a CMakeLists.txt from
> another platform that required it. Since I was about to only build the
> release version of my system, I simply did not care about the missing
> debug-lib... Maybe I should use the FIND-commands of CMake to avoid always
> linking to this lib, even it is not present. But it is such a fundamental
> lib, that it should always be there and I am so lazy... ;)
The Find should be used all the time, because someone might install qt 
in a different place, and you
want that to work.  If you hard code the place in the CMakeLists.txt it 
will only work on some systems.


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