[CMake] CONFIGURE_FILE to Debug or Release dir

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue May 10 08:47:28 EDT 2005

Jorgen Bodde wrote:
> I would like to copy the manifest file to the same dir as where my exe 
> was compiled by VS7. This is in the subdirs Debug and Release. How can I 
> figure out if I need to add those dirs and when not (e.g. a borland C++ 
> compiler is used) ?
> The full command is;
> IF(WIN32)
>    SET (SAMPLE_NAME "MultiCtrlTest.exe")
> CONFIGURE_FILE(${TREEMULTICTRL_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/samples/treemultictrl/MultiCtrlTest.exe.manifest.in 
> ${TREEMULTICTRL_BINARY_DIR}/contrib/samples/treemultictrl/MultiCtrlTest.exe.manifest 
>                   @ONLY IMMEDIATE)                 ENDIF(WIN32)
> Which works well, but I am missing the Debug and Release part in the path..

     CONFIGURE_FILE(src destdir/${config}/destfile ...)
   CONFIGURE_FILE(src destdir/destfile ...)


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