[CMake] problem with SUBDIRS and MingGW-make

Axel Wachtler axel.wachtler at gmx.de
Tue Jul 5 17:20:08 EDT 2005

Axel Wachtler wrote:

> Cesar Rabak wrote:
> > --- Axel Wachtler  escreveu:
> >
> >
> > >Hallo all,
> > >
> > >Environment: cmake 2.0.5; mingw; windwos 2000;
> > >
> > >I use a Top-Level CmakeLists.txt file, which has
> > >a statement:
> > >
> > >   SUBDIRS(../../MyApp ../../MyApp1 )
> > >
> > >The generated GNU-Makefile contains for the
> > >subdirectories
> > >for the "clean" and other (e.g. dependency) targets
> > >rules like:
> > >
> > >clean__MyApp:
> > >    @cd ../../MyApp; $(MAKE) clean
> > >
> > >The problem with MinGW-make is that it does not
> > >handle the ";" correct, so the "$(MAKE) clean" is
> > >not executed in ../../MyApp.
> >
> >
> > I'm afraid your description of the cause is somewhat
> > incorrect:
> >
> > It is not make that does not handle well the ';' but
> > rather the command shell you are using.
> You are right, command.com is the reason.
> So I have not checked for a shell that comes with mingw.
> For cygwin-bash the problem was, the avr-gcc is build
> under mingw and expects DOS filenames, like c:/src/main.c
> but the bash hands over /cygdrive/c/src/main.c, so that
> avr-gcc could not open the file. (you can not mixup
> mingw and cygwin based programs, another issue is, that
> the PATH variable is of importance, because there are some
> tools with equal names in DOS and MinGW but different
> command line options.)
> As soon as I'm back at my Windows Desktop (Tuesday),
> I will try a shell coming with mingw.
> > Did you try a unixy shell port to check this?
> > The root problem IMHO is that for MingW the only
> > option is "Unix Makefile" whereas some checks on the
> > platform's OS could be used to produce Makefiles with
> > the more amenable syntax you propose.
> Yes, this would cleanly encapsulate the "-C GNUism"
> so that it don't break the make on other Unixes.

Today I figured out what happens really with mingw and cmake
generated makefiles.

It is not the ; - it is the wrong argument for the cd-command
from command.com

@cd c:/src/MyApp

has two incompatibilities, first the drive is not supported,
second the / is not supported.

To troubleshoot this, I tried to postprocess the Makefiles with
a script, but trouble shoots back, because cmake itself is called 
somewhere in the dependency rules :-(

Second approach was to run sh from mingw, but the generated
Makefiles use c:/src but mingw-sh uses /c/src, so it is that
incompatible like with cygwin.

I ended up with removing the SUBDIRS statement from my cmake-files
and wrote a Makefile-Wrapper to build, clean and install all
modules, which was targeted by the SUBDIRS statements before.

Suggestion for fixing the Makefile generator:
if mingw is present, generate make -C c:/src/MyApp (clean|all|install)

Also cmake should have something like a -C option (-C is already in use)
for easy workaround this cd - issue with the Mingw system.

Best Regards

Axel Wachtler
Mail:        axel.wachtler at gmx.de
Fingerprint: FA2C 4FB1 AC18 5FA3 F4F1 1114 3F38 E0DF 8C3A DC95
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