[Cmake] Question about CMake, Dart, and tcl...

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Jun 21 09:22:30 EDT 2004

David Cleaver wrote:
> Brad King wrote:
>>Okay, thanks for the information.  I'll look into why the wrong value
>>was there in the first place and hopefully fix the problem.
>>Typically "make Experimental" is used in place of "make" to do the
>>build.  That way all the errors and warnings that occur are included in
>>the submission.  In order to actually submit the results, though, you
>>need to run "make ExperimentalSubmit" after "make Experimental"
>>finishes.  If you are just trying to install cmake, though, then just
>>running "make && make test && make install" is enough.
> Ok, looks like I ran into some more trouble.  When I ran "make
> ExperimentalSubmit" it said:
> Building Utility ExperimentalSubmit...
> Submit Experimental
>         Establishing connection to drop box.
>            FTP set to passive mode
> make: *** [ExperimentalSubmit] Error 128
> Have you heard of this problem before?  Do you know how I might fix it?

You might be behind a firewall or something.  This is probably a problem 
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