[Cmake] CMake 1.6 beta

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Wed Jan 8 11:23:25 EST 2003

Thanks for the feedback.   You are correct, FindX11.cmake needs to be fixed.
It was changed because it was changed over to the replacement for the
configure script that used to be run.  However, that should all happen
in the backwards compatibility part of cmake, and not in the FindX11.cmake file.

I will change FindX11.cmake back.


At 03:49 PM 1/8/2003 +0000, Ian Scott wrote:
>I have tested been testing CMake 1.6 on Linux, compiling both VXL, and our
>internal code (which uses a lot of the qt wrapping commands) and it works -
>great work! Thanks!
>I have also been looking through the Modules directory - which benefitted
>several months ago from the importing of functionality from VXL's
>FindXXX.cmake files. I was wondering if the variable naming scheme that was
>discussed at the time will become standard (CMake/Modules/readme.txt). Andy
>changed FindX11.cmake which used to fit this standard. Instead of
>X11_INCLUDE_DIR, we now have CMAKE_X_INCLUDE_DIRS? I think this is wrong -
>consistent naming of such variables is really useful. Is there a reason for
>X11 status being in the "CMAKE_" pseudo-namespace rather than in "X11_"?
>I also found the following issues, which I have fixed in the repository.
>Since the use of Modules/LinkQT.cmake was deprecated in CMake1.4, it is now
>There was a bug (which I introduced some time ago) in FindPNG.cmake:17
>  INCLUDE( INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindZLIB.cmake )
>VXL has 2 more Modules which I have contributed to CMake for MPEG2 (which is
>apparently a completely different structure from MPEG) and for SDL.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ken Martin [mailto:ken.martin at kitware.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 3:53 PM
>To: vtk-developers at public.kitware.com; cmake at public.kitware.com
>Cc: 'Insight'
>Subject: [Cmake] CMake 1.6 beta
>CMake 1.6 beta has been released and can be downloaded from www.cmake.org or
>form cvs as Release-1-6 If you encounter any problems please let us know.
>Ken Martin, PhD
>Kitware Inc.
>518 371 3971 x101
>469 Clifton Corporate Pkwy
>Clifton Park NY 12065
>Cmake mailing list
>Cmake at public.kitware.com

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