Andy Cedilnik Andy . Cedilnik at kitware . com
Tue, 11 Dec 2001 15:59:48 -0500

At 09:39 PM 12/11/2001 +0100, Sylvain Jaume wrote:
>My ~/VTK-build/CMakeCache.txt says:
>//DO NOT EDIT, VTK_SOURCE_DIR loaded from external file.  To change
>// this value edit this file: /home/jaume/VTK-build/CMakeCache.txt
>But there is no VTK_SOURCE_DIR in my ~/Local-build/CMakeCache.txt

Ok, one more time, rename ~/VTK-build/CMakeCache.txt and rerun cmake:

cd ~/VTK-build
ccmake ~/VTK

If you are brave enough, you can copy all external variables from old 
file. Then you will probably have to recompile at least part of VTK.
After that it should work.
