Andy Cedilnik Andy . Cedilnik at kitware . com
Tue, 11 Dec 2001 15:56:15 -0500

>//DO NOT EDIT, VTK_SOURCE_DIR loaded from external file.  To change
>// this value edit this file: /home/jaume/VTK-build/CMakeCache.txt
>But there is no VTK_SOURCE_DIR in my ~/Local-build/CMakeCache.txt

There is your problem.
It should be something like:

//Value Computed by CMake

What seems to have happened is that you have circular reference
to VTK_SOURCE_DIR in VTK. What you should do is to move
CMakeCache.txt in ~/VTK-build to

>I'll update my CMake with CVS and compile it again.
>I'll keep you posted if I keep having this VTK_SOURCE_DIR not found
>message in ~/Local-build.