[CMake-Promote] Generic installation instructions

Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva miguelf at ieee.org
Tue Jan 10 14:49:44 EST 2006

Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>> I'd say INSTALL-CMAKE.txt or INSTALL-CMake.txt is good. Or how about 
>> InstallCMake.txt, whoich is even more in line with the rest of the 
>> cmake files ?
> I had thought that wouldn't alphebatize with the GNU Autoconf INSTALL.  
> But let me test that theory.  Hm, on Windows, alphebatization isn't case 
> sensitive.  How about on Unix?
> Glitches: CMake already generates an install_manifest.txt.  gccxml has a 
> script file called cmake_install.cmake.  Maybe a different word choice 
> is in order.  For instance, CMakeHOWTO.txt, CMakeInstructions.txt, or 
> CMakeHelp.txt.  Maybe alphebatization isn't the highest good, if the 
> price is name collisions with other "install" stuff.  Hm, still, 
> INSTALL* would be much better for getting people to dump their Autoconf 
> INSTALL file.  Grr.  What about InstallWithCMake.txt?  Looks nice, but 
> is it too long for command line hackers?

Personally, I have no preference... but I think the convention for these 
types of files (LICENSE, README, INSTALL, etc) is ALLCAPS with added 
extension only in windows systems.

For the Windows camp, this type of file is non-traditional (not 
something people go looking for) probably the more normal thing would be 
a *.hlp file linked to the start menu... Although ReadMe.txt, is the 
file automatically generated by the Visual Studio Application Wizard...

So, all things considered INSTALL-CMAKE.txt makes sense to me.

Just my 2 cents...


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