[CDash] reducing cdash database size

Zack Galbreath zack.galbreath at kitware.com
Mon Jan 16 17:36:59 UTC 2017

On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 12:18 PM, Sean McBride <sean at rogue-research.com>

> Hi all,
> My cdash database is getting quite big (43 GB)... presumably because of
> old submissions staying around forever?  I tried 'Maintenance > Cleanup
> Database', but that didn't save anything.  In the project settings my
> 'AutoRemove Timeframe' is 60 days.
> What can I do to prune things?

Hi Sean,

Do you know if old builds are being deleted or not?  You can check with the
following SQL query:

select starttime from build order by starttime limit 1;

If not, you can run this deletion process manually from a shell on your

cd /path/to/CDash
php scripts/autoRemoveBuilds.php <project-name>
(this will probably take a long time to run if you have old builds to prune)

The removal of old builds should be happening automatically when the first
build of the day is submitted.  CDash uses cURL to connect to itself and
start this process.  The relevant code is here:

One possible solution is setting $CDASH_BASE_URL in your config.local.php.

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