[Cdash] Show results from the bullseye coverage in CDash

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Tue Jul 15 06:32:20 UTC 2014

There is an option (which should be on by default) in the 
"Miscellaneous" section of the project settings, which is called: "Show 
coverage code". Can you make sure it's checked?


On 15/07/2014 00:01, norulez at me.com wrote:
> Hello,
> I use bullseye coverage to perform coverage analysis on windows.
> We have 2 dashboard (CDash) machines (productive, testing)
> On the testing machine I could click on a file in CDash to display the coverage analyze for the selected file.
> On the productive machine I doesn't have those links.
> Does anybody know why the file links aren't shown, or where the problem could be that they aren't shown?
> I also tried to update to CDash 2.2.2 with no luck.
> Thanks in advance
> Best Regards
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