[Cdash] Lock timeouts after MySQL MyISAM -> InnoDB migration

Nils Gladitz nilsgladitz at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 15:41:27 UTC 2014

On 01/09/2014 04:14 PM, Martin Apel wrote:
> I had the exact same problem a few days ago. In my case it turned out,
> that accidentally on my Linux machine nsswitch.conf was configured to
> first ask DNS for name resolution and only afterwards look at the 
> /etc/hosts
> file. Then DNS took rather long and the timeout occurred, before it 
> could respond.
> Changing the order in nsswitch.conf fixed the problem at our site.
Resolving and the request itself seem to be instantaneous.
If there is something to be done it is waiting for the response for a 
very long time (around a minute).
If there is nothing to be done this is virtually instantaneous as well.


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